You probably missed this...
<p><font size="3" color="#ff0000">Hey guys it is not often I do this but I stumbled on a tune today that had 1 review and I added another. I was surprised I missed it. I thought it was a fantastic track so I thought I would feature it here. </font></p><p><font size="3" color="#ff0000">Great Job on this one Lex!</font></p> <font size="3" color="#ff0000"><a href="/comment.php?mode=view_comments&type=song&band_id=803&song_id=3781&template=script_comment.tpl">Have a Listen</a></font>
Oh, my! What a fine surprise this will be for Jan! Thank you for putting his work in the spotlight where it belongs. I apologize for not being able to return every review right now, but I'm trying.
Thanks again, everybody!
- Lex -
Wonder if Lex will see this curtain call?
That toon for goes back a ways... first heard it a year or more ago on RS CAIN"S nexus radio show......BRILLENT songwriting and Dan's vocals were aced!
A perfect example of how an indie can go un-noticed isn't it....DaZeD!!Your action to bring this(GEM)song to the attention of others... is a perfect example of how the indie scene should helping another
Glad you brought it to the attention of many!...KUDO'S to ya!(the music will always to the talking...but only if we listen.)
I surely missed it, but am sooooo very pleased you did`nt D.....What a mind blowingly great song...This is the stuff of great No. 1 hits, it just needs to be heard by the right person....I absolutely LOVED the listen/s/s/s and am soooooo pleased there`s a d/l option....Thanks for spotting it Dazed...
Luv n hugs
Mags xx