<p>Morning Everyone!</p><p>My apologies on reviews lately! Since the arrival of the baby we have had relatives in town for the last two weeks. Our schedules are slowly returning to normal so i should be back to doing reviews by this weekend, Besides Reaper is catching up to me .</p><p>Have a great day everyone! </p><p>Dazed </p><p> </p>
Right on Dazed! Enjoy the family first man, always.
man if you didn't have your family first i'd be hassling you.. lol..
a good dad in my book is the highest compliment one can be paid..
we have to earn it.. no need to appologize to us fellow daddies T..
we are all dazed.. you'll soon seen..
My best wishes to,and your good lady wife,and congratulations to you both on the new arrival!!
Reviews will wait,babies won't
We all understand, kick back and take it easy!