Rob Grant - Get Well Soon
<font size="3"><a href="/chart.php?chart_days=1000&pagebreak=20&genre=Songs+For+Rob">Songs For Rob</a></font> -<font size="3"> Here is a list of the songs submitted so far!</font><br /><p><font size="3">I just wanted to pass the below on. I got a message from Reaper and WildHoneyPie this morning and wanted to pass this on. I am trying to get hospital information so we can send some flowers or a least a baby taylor so he has something to do .</font></p><p><font size="3">So please keep Rob and his family in your thoughts today! Get better my friend, you have work to do here
. As information becomes available, I will update this thread.</font></p><p><font size="3">Hi friends,<br />This is Kara, Rob's daughter. He asked me to send you all an email to let you know why he has not been online the past few days. We are actually at University of Md as I write this email. Yesterday, my Dad went to the hospital to get checked out for a headache that he has been suffering from since Wednesday. They did a catscan and it showed an aneurysm in the anterior part of his brain. The Doctors here decided that they would need to perform surgery to correct this. He is due to go into surgery in about an hour, and the whole operation should take 2-3 hours. Myself and the rest of the family will be with him today, and the doctors are optimistic that they can go in there and fix this thing without complications. He is feeliing ok right now physically and mentally, just very scared as to be expected. But he is comfortable as far as pain goes. I will try to get back on here to let you know this afternoon how everything went, </font></p><p> </p><p><font size="3"><strong>Update 1 </strong>- Thanks to WildHoneyPie and Reaper for keeping everyone in the loop! You guys are the best. WHP got this information from Kara...</font></p><p><font size="3">Rob is out of surgery and it went well. He will be critical for about a two week period, and must be watched closely, for danger of strokes. We can breathe a little, but not too deeply yet. He was in alot of pain post surgery, and had to be heavily medicated. Reaper told his family that we are keeping a vigil for him, and major prayers and good vibes are being sent to them all. </font></p><p><font size="3">The family will get a laptop into his room at the point that the doctors feel it's okay. Though, I wouldn't look for it real soon. When they get home this evening, Kara will send us addresses and so forth, where cards and good wishes can be sent. Stay tuned for that tonight.</font></p><p><font size="3">WHP</font></p><p><font size="3"><strong>Update 2</strong> - Thanks again to WHP and Reaper for keeping us updated. You to Nigel! I just saw you posted the same thing!</font></p><p><font size="3">Hello again,<br />Please forgive me for not responding to the emails that were sent directly to my email. Somehow I can read them, but cannot reply. I really hope I included everyone in this email, but if not hopefully word will go around. I saw my Dad about an hour and a half out of his surgery, and like my husband said, he was in alot of pain and was drifting in and out of sleep. They upped his pain meds and made him more comfortable and expect him to sleep for the rest of the day/night. He was able to tell the nurse his name, date and what hospital he was in, which is awesome. Let me just say thanks on behalf of myself and the whole family for all the nice responses I recieved. I know his internet buddies and fellow musicians mean a lot to him, and he will feel good knowing you all are thinking of him. I am including the hospital information below. He will be in the ICU for about 2 more days, after that he will go into a regular patient room. They are really strict in there as far as what they allow in the area. I know I saw a sign that said no cut flowers but after 2 days or so he should really have no restrictions. <br /><br />Thanks again,<br />Kara<br /><br />University of Maryland Medical Center<br />22 S. Greene St.<br />Baltimore, MD 21201-1595</font></p><font size="3"><p><font size="3"><strong>Update 3 </strong></font></p><p>From Reaper - </p><p>"Just got off fthe phone with rob's Son in law. He told me all is going well and Rob is aware of things. He is still getting pain meds but everything is stable."</p><p>Good news everyone! Let's hope everything continues to improve!</p><p>Dazed</p><p><font size="3"><font size="3"><strong>Update 4<br /></strong></font></font></p><p>I received the following from Nigel. Thanks for keeping us up to date. </p><p> </p><p>"Hi all,<br />I want to thank you again for all the emails of concern for my dad. I only have a minute but i want to give you all an update, and once again I apologize in advance if this does not reach all that it is intented to. My dads surgery went ok, but he is in TREMENDOUS pain and very drugged up and frustrated because he cannot get out of bed. It is very hard to see him go through this, I can only imagine how he must be feeling. There is some more bleeding in his brain. They do not know where it is coming from at this point, but they do know it is not the aneurysm. He is going to get a catscan tomorrow morning and if it got worse, they may need to go back in and operate. I feel like my world had totally been turned upside-down. He cannot even sit up for two more weeks. THere is a condition that sometimes occurs about 11 days after this particulaar surgery that could be fatal, so they are taking all the precautions they can hopefully so that this will not happen. I just keep hoping for the best and doing all I can for him. He has not eaten and will only touch water. They actually had to semi-restrain him tonight because he kept thinking he could get up and go home. He does have a sense of humor though, his nurse was named Sheila and he kept calling her shampoo...lol. Anyways, just so you know your emails are not bothering me at all, I just apologize I cannot respond to all of them. My computer is crappy at home and I am so mentally exhausted its just all i can do to get through. But I will try my best to give you updates every few days. I did let him know all his friends are thinking of him and that made him smile
<br /><br />THanks<br />Kara"</p><p> </p><p><strong>Update 5 </strong></p><p>From Reaper -<br />I got through to Rob's son in law this morning and he told me Rob is gettin a little better each day. They've been pretty occupied which is why we haven't heard anything.</p><p>I told Josh to let him know we're all thinkin about him and the "songs for Rob" we're doing and he was real excited and will tell Rob when he sees him today.<br />I feel a little relieved now.<br /><br />Rick</p><p><strong>Update 6</strong> - Thanks for the update Nigel!</p><p>"Hi my name is Vince! I am sitting here with Rob and he is doing well. He is in room 718 University of Maryland Medical Center 22 S. Greene St. Baltimore, Md 21201.<br />He can't get out of bed, reason he tells me it's because his ANYOURSOMETHING is swollen and he can't keep his hands off of it! I have read some of the responses to him and he is overwhelmed, happily of course. He wishes he could get out of bed to respond to all of you. I am sure in due time he will! His heart is with you all! Keep sending those messages!!!! HE STILL HAS HIS SENSE OF HUMOR!" </p><p><strong>Update 6</strong></p><div class="br-txt">This is a message directly from Rob we received this morning:<br /><br />Hello............This is my first night at home and must say, I'm lost. My daughtervtold me ZI have had alot of messages and care expreesed my way. I can't sit up too long yet and read, but will ASAP. I will write a full update, as soon as I can. Just this little typing is really tough. For now....THANKS!!! FRIENDS!!! I hope to be able be around more as time goes. As it is I'm told......I have 6 weeks of recovery.<br />THANK YOU GOD, for this. I am one humbled scared being.<br />Rob <br /><br />Rob, man, we love you! Speedy recovery with no bumps on the road! </div></font>
Good to see you on Rob!
Rob... youre home! Right there in MD
Hi Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man it is good to hear from you two days in a row but pace yourself and let the ol' bod heal up. Since you've inspired a new song genre called "Songs For Rob", you'll have a lot of listening to pass the time with while you recover. I think there are 30 songs submitted so far. We've (DrC, Gary, and myself) been working on something special for your song genre and it's nearing completion. It should be posted up shortly.
Your friend and collab. mate,
Hi Rob
All in good time mate.
Rest,get well,all else can wait
Best wishes.
I am QUITE OVERWHELMED. I still can't sit up long and I have SO MUCH to read and listen to. I hope to regain strength AFAP. I have SO MUCH TO SAY and SO MUCH to be Thankful for. I haved LOVED this sire, right from the start.......and NOW!!! I'M SHOCKED at the VERY KIND care and concern. Yea...yea...yea.....I'll post one Frankenstein picture.....hehehehehehhe
welcome back to the land of the living my friend. take it easy for a while and I too know that its nice to come home after hospital time..
Wow...congratulations Rob!!! You've escaped from the hospital and that, my man, is a great sign. This pleases me no end. Which only means I better get my Song For Rob posted ASAP. We love you Rob...do like you're told..no shortcuts. We want you better fast! ~Blake
Rob,welcome back mate.
Now you rest,take it easy,all things in good time.
It's been a long hard road for you,so conserve the strength,we will speak soon
Best wishes mate.
This is a message we reveived DIRECTLY FROM ROB on our blog site:
Hello............This is my first night at home and must say, I'm lost. My daughtervtold me ZI have had alot of messages and care expreesed my way. I can't sit up too long yet and read, but will ASAP. I will write a full update, as soon as I can. Just this little typing is really tough. For now....THANKS!!! FRIENDS!!! I hope to be able be around more as time goes. As it is I'm told......I have 6 weeks of recovery.
THANK YOU GOD, for this. I am one humbled scared being.
Man, we're so glad you're doing well! I'd like to think that our prayers had at least something to do with your speedy recovery. Do you know that you are the only person in the recorded history of mankind who originated a new musical genre bearing his name? Well, it's true, the genre is called "Songs For RoB", it already has more than 30 songs
Get well soon, man! And please thank Kara and all those kind people who kept us updated.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Rob... just saying 'hi...'
still best wishes to you man.
Hoping youa re continuing to rest and heal well mate.
Best wishes
PS:Dazed :
In the same boat mate,VERY frustrating!!!!
I started working on a tune for Rob and got sick. My voice is kind of shot. So hopefully will have this done soon.
Happy spring equinox Rob:-)....Time to turn things around, soon you`ll be up and heading for the door...Hope you`re feeling heaps better today...We miss you and you`ve soooo many songs to listen to...Come back soon...Much love mags xx
blues for rob is now posted.. added to all of the pile of songs for you brother.. and I think you'll know how we all miss you.. rookie gave me a blues in B rob.. can you believe that? lol.. thanks dave.. cheers..
YEAH!!!! The kind of update I've been looking for!! Yo Robbie...it sounds like you're slowly getting back into the rat race man...and that is music to my ears. Speaking of which I started a song for you...but have had basically no time to work on it...but it's coming..I know it. As some point you'll be able to appreciate all the songs here and know we all love ya....Blake
Hey Rob, Ive just built a new Puter and hope to do something for you soon!
Alright! Nice to get the update Vince! thanks! HELLO ROB!! Glad to hear that you can keep your hands occupied..lol...say hi to Sheila! tell her she's doing a great job!
Today, I`ve lots of "hope`s", the first is, that I hope you`re feeling better, the second is that I hope that bed pan`s well out of your reach Rob....Eeeaaakkk...I`ve sung a song for you on one of your music tracks...Suspicious Acts 1....Robs Song...xxxx The third is that I hope you don`t mind...xxx ehheeeee...I`m running....eeaakk...
Much love Mags xx
n Vince....ehehee, control !!
Hey Rob! It's great to hear you're doing better! Man we missed you. I'm so relieved to hear that your sense of humor is intact, this means that everything else will be alright. You have won the most crucial battle, now you'll have to win the war. You're strong, man, much stronger than you think. Your personality (and our collective prayers) will take care of that ANYOURSOMETHING in no time. Keep pulling my man! We love you.
Hi Rob,and hi Vince
Man,good to hear you are on the mend mate
Take it slow,do what the doctors tell you!!
I am sure your bass is poining for you,but youa re just going to have to stay in bed with all those nurses...
Hang on,that didn't sound quite right did it LOL.............
Or did it???? LOL
VERY best wishes Rob,we have all missed you mate.
Hi Margot! It's Vince I am sitting with Rob reading the comments off to him and I wanted to tell you "I think you are HOT!
Hi my name is Vince! I am sitting here with Rob and he is doing well. He is in room 718 University of Maryland Medical Center 22 S. Greene St. Baltimore, Md 21201.
He can't get out of bed, reason he tells me it's because his ANYOURSOMETHING is swollen and he can't keep his hands off of it! I have read some of the responses to him and he is overwhelmed, happily of course. He wishes he could get out of bed to respond to all of you. I am sure in due time he will! His heart is with you all! Keep sending those messages!!!! HE STILL HAS HIS SENSE OF HUMOR!
Anyone hear any more news about Rob???? Updates are painfully slow...I keep wondering what's going on.
Comment No. 100......
Hurry home Rob, we`re all waiting for you...
Much love Mags xx
Good to see so many good wishes for a good friend and fellow music maker.
Thanks for the updates
Hey Rob, let me wish you all the best!
God bless you, mate.
94 replies on this thread alone.
Many more HERE:
And here :
All wishing you well mate
Yes,what Henry said.
Still thinking of you mate.
Best wishes
Rob, we're still keeping you in our hearts and prayers here buddy!
rob, speedy recovery my friend--take care and hope to see ya soon!! mark
Comment No. 90.......
Wow Rob, these comments are even better than reviews because they are all TRULY from the HEARTS of the people who wrote them...
Much love, Margot xxx
Sorry for the delay..But it is great news to hear Rob is doing much better..I pray for your quick recovery my friend..You have left a huge impression on alot of hearts in this world through your music..And I know you are definitley not through yet..Best wishes and a swift return my friend..Best wishes to you and yours,Fredie & Lee..(Southern Touch)...
Been away a couple of days and just read that Rob seems to be doing better. Great news! Keep getting better Rob!
LOL Dace!!
This is great news!
Thanks Rick
Best wishes for the continued speedy recovery Rob
Hi Rob,, ive been all screwed up lately,, havent been able to type at computer much.-- but today i seem well enough to type a bit-- so my first stop is to wish you well.
i can only guess its been a bit frightening to suddenly wind up in hospital,, needing delicate surgery.
My thoughts and best wishes go with you---
So glad to see you have a grasp on the swollen thing Rob
Keep getting better my friend. We will keep the amps on standby until you get back.
Hey Rob! just thinking of ya!! take it really slow..you'll be back in good time. (expect to hear a toon called "shampoo"
Rob, you're another day closer to better friend! Get well soon and know that the good wishes are being projected heavily from Northern California.
Daily check in Rob
Leave the nurses alone and put the bass down,time for that later
Get better soon mate.
Just heard the news Rob and trust that love and light are being sent from me as well as all of your other bro's on the net. Keep your faith and believe! Much love my friend. KB
Kara.....THANK YOU FOR THESE UPDATES!!! THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO US! I sympathize with what everyone is going through here...especially you and the family and of course your dad....we are pulling very strongly for a full and complete recovery. ~Blake
Thanks for the update. I have been looking here for any news. Rob is still in our thoughts and prayers here
take it easy my friend, we'll be here
Recieved the same e-mail this morning.
Rob,speedy recovery mate.
Just got this email from Kara, Rob's daughter:
Hi all,
I want to thank you again for all the emails of concern for my dad. I only have a minute but i want to give you all an update, and once again I apologize in advance if this does not reach all that it is intented to. My dads surgery went ok, but he is in TREMENDOUS pain and very drugged up and frustrated because he cannot get out of bed. It is very hard to see him go through this, I can only imagine how he must be feeling. There is some more bleeding in his brain. They do not know where it is coming from at this point, but they do know it is not the aneurysm. He is going to get a catscan tomorrow morning and if it got worse, they may need to go back in and operate. I feel like my world had totally been turned upside-down. He cannot even sit up for two more weeks. THere is a condition that sometimes occurs about 11 days after this particulaar surgery that could be fatal, so they are taking all the precautions they can hopefully so that this will not happen. I just keep hoping for the best and doing all I can for him. He has not eaten and will only touch water. They actually had to semi-restrain him tonight because he kept thinking he could get up and go home. He does have a sense of humor though, his nurse was named Sheila and he kept calling her shampoo...lol. Anyways, just so you know your emails are not bothering me at all, I just apologize I cannot respond to all of them. My computer is crappy at home and I am so mentally exhausted its just all i can do to get through. But I will try my best to give you updates every few days. I did let him know all his friends are thinking of him and that made him smile
My best wishes for a fast recovery, Rob.
Daily check in.
Best wishes Rob!!
You got a real nice spotlight on RS's show last night mate
any more news?
Still pullin' for you Rob!!!!!!
Best wishes to you Rob and family
Rob......all the best,brother...........I know you need to do so more tunes with the grandkids !!!! Here's to a speedy recovery !!!
I am sending a card to the address Kara left...I hope it gets to Rob. Kara thanks for the info and updates. We could use as many as you and the family could give us. I encourage all to show Rob the support he so richly deserves. ~Blake
Rob, My heart is with you BRo!
Thanks for the updates. I've been away from home and online and out of touch. I saw Nigels message over at SC and came over here to comment. Rob is one of the nicest and best people I know on line. When I first came to IMS, he was one of the first people to welcome me here. I am sending every prayer and thought I can think of for his speedy recovery.
Thanks for the update guys
Take it easy Rob,and heal well mate.
Thank you Reaper and Dazed for the update 3. This is great news! Rob, my man, speedy recovery! We all need you!
I'll be thinking of you .
Just take things slow and easy best wishes mate
Best wishes Rob, speedy recovery.
thanks for the hospital address.. and for the infos.. admin.. WHP and nigel/anubes.. much appreciated.. we've got to show rob how much he is loved here.. cards are on the way.. cheers.. maybe after rob gets home we could have a mailing address for him there or somewhere?
Best wishes Rob and family. In the short time I've known you, you've been an inspiration both on this site and formerly on mixposure. Take care. Thinking of you.
I hope you are well soon Rob. My thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery and return to full health. Hope to see you back here real soon.
Rob, Hope your ok mate , get better soon dude..
Rob,this was shock!I hope that you get better soon...
Best regards
I have no idea who you are Rob but none-the-less you have my sincerest hopes. You were lucky enough to find the problem before it was too late and I think you'll be even luckier when you get out in a couple weeks.
Rob, my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family in this troubled time. A creative and strong willed mind such as yours has no other option but to get better. The combined thoughts and prayers from around the globe are powerful and positive, so I know they will help.
Get well soon buddy, we've only scratched the surface here and have many more musical collabs to do.
Your friend and collab. mate,
Hi Rob.....get well soon eh...This site can`t run with a man down...ehehee...We need to hear that bass again soon...
Peace n love....Margot...xx
Best thoughts and prayers to you and your family Rob.
man I hate waiting around for news. I have felt ill all morning over this. come on Rob!
can't keep a good man down.. common back to us rob.. we miss you already bud.. so sorry to learn of your operation and that you had to undergo it..
all the best brother for a very speedy recovery.. we'll keep the bass spots open on our songs man.. cheers rob..
very best wishes Rob
Thoughts and prayers Rob.
Hoping for a relatively uneventful surgery and speedy recovery!
Best wishes and speedy recovery.
Wolfie (Nigel)
Thinking of ya Rob!...Hope you are well soon !
Thinking about ya from up here in canuk land Rob,
look forward to seeing ya back in action bud,
btw..who will take over the crossword puzzle duties at work?
My thoughts and prayers go out to Rob and his family.
Rob - You're in my thoughts and prayers. Rob
((Rob)) prayers going out for you right now.....Sending healing vibes your way.
WHP, Thanks for letting us know!!!! Please keep us posted if you hear anything else.
Rob.....what a shock...I can only say please, please, get better. You've got so much more to say and do. Our hearts are with you my friend, hoping that everything turns out successful. ~Blake
Rob, you are so important to so many people here at IMS, as for me I think I will call you brother. We all miss you and wish you and your family the best for a speedy recovery. This is the time for all to be strong and pray for our friend.
I just recieved the following e-mail from his Daughter Kara:
"Hello again,
Please forgive me for not responding to the emails that were sent directly to my email. Somehow I can read them, but cannot reply. I really hope I included everyone in this email, but if not hopefully word will go around. I saw my Dad about an hour and a half out of his surgery, and like my husband said, he was in alot of pain and was drifting in and out of sleep. They upped his pain meds and made him more comfortable and expect him to sleep for the rest of the day/night. He was able to tell the nurse his name, date and what hospital he was in, which is awesome. Let me just say thanks on behalf of myself and the whole family for all the nice responses I recieved. I know his internet buddies and fellow musicians mean a lot to him, and he will feel good knowing you all are thinking of him. I am including the hospital information below. He will be in the ICU for about 2 more days, after that he will go into a regular patient room. They are really strict in there as far as what they allow in the area. I know I saw a sign that said no cut flowers but after 2 days or so he should really have no restrictions.
Thanks again,
University of Maryland Medical Center
22 S. Greene St.
Baltimore, MD 21201-1595"
Thank you for the update.
Keep the faith Rob,grow strong and well mate.
we are looking forward to your return rob.. so many have made songs just for you.. me and rookie too.. blues for rob.. hope it gets done it time to add it to the pile of reviews you'll have to write when you get back.. lol.. cheers bud.. take your time.. but get your butt back here soon..
Whew! ...good to hear things went well. Thanks for the update!
Hi to you and your family Rob...
Time for your daily medication...
from us all here at IMS..
Mags xxxx
Get Well... Rest !
Lots of get well and get better soon vibes from Seattle Rob. Man I hate seeing this crap happen to good people.
thanks Doc.. we have been waiting for an update.. rob.. hold on brother.. you'll be back making music soon enough..
don't fight your way out of bed anymore.. ok?.. we are all thinking of you and pulling with you rob.. get well soon..
Happy Easter, Rob!
Best wishes to you, your family and friends!
We love you
Morning Rob...Hope all`s well for you today and that your family come visiting...
Peace and much love Mags xx
Hey Rob - This is great news indeed!! I'm sure you'll be back in action soon! Rob
hey rob.. man I am jazzed and funked to hear the news from you.. you are sorely missed here by all the swollen members.. too bad that band name is already taken.. but they were just fakin.. that's a real one you're shakin.. good thing you don't have to put your pants on yet.. think nigel's advice was primo.. sty in bed with the nurses.. show em where it hurts.. some massaging will help the swelling.. no one's telling.. cheers..
thanks vince.. you got great taste man.. I think she's hot too...
that is good news.. so glad it went well.. just take it easy brother.. no hurry.. there's time for everything..
Tough to keep a Raven down, see ya soon Rob
A note for Kara,, i wanted to extend our best wishes to you,, for what you are going through with your Dad. Me and Michael are hoping very much that Rob will get all better. And we support you - that it is not possible to respond to everyone's best wishes.. so please , do not feel the need or pressure about that. -- no response necessary-- just best wishes to your family.
shane for The DEEP
hey Rob, I'm taking care of the pipes over at SC, I've even found your hiding spot...lol, now wheres the lunchroom..this is hard work so get well soon.
Just my daily check in.
Best wishes mate
Thanks and praises Rob...xxxx
Peace n love Mags xx
Wish you a fast recovery Rob !!
I guess I came across this a bit late, but I certainly want to add any wishes for the Great Spirit to deliver a speedy recovery. Too much sickness and stuff going on these days -- let's hope for healthier and happier times for all.
Rob, get well soon. Guess we're all anxious to hear your new songs.
"May the Great Spirit watch over and protect our good friend and brother
during this time of stress and anxiety.
I have you in my thoughts and prayers Rob."
Amen; Dave