iMS Member Subscriptions
This is a subject I have wanted to tackle for some time. A member recently sent me a message asking about this so I thought I would clear it up. <br /><br />Is iMusicScene free or not? The answer is of course it is FREE! Memberships are not required and truthfully we do not advertise them. My guess is most people did not even know the option existed. <br /><br />This site has been free since we started it almost 4 years ago. We had subscriptions for a short time and then I removed them entirely. Recently I brought them back because some of you crazy musicians wanted to post your entire 500 song catalog on here! <br /><br />What is the difference between the subscriptions? More song and video slots is about it. The rest of the features are pretty much the same. Soundclick charges $9.95 per month for their subscriptions. That subscription will allow you to post your songs at 192k bitrate which is what all of our accounts will allow. Our subscriptions are there to just help support the site and offset our cost. If you think I am making a profit on this site, I have news for you. My taxes show otherwise. iMusicScene was never about profit. It was about having some fun and doing some music. <br /><br />So why have subscriptions at all? Well the honest truth is this. When this site first started, my shared server was around $10 a month. A shared server is many web sites sharing one small server. I have seen as many as 250 web sites on one shared server. Bandwidth and hard drive space were not an issue because there were only a handful of members here. As we got bigger, our host said we were killing the shared server and politely notified us that we were being booted from the shared server. They asked us to go to a dedicated server or find another host. Our traffic was slowing down the other 249 sites hehe. All my complaints to them about iMS running slow was being caused by us!<br /><br />A dedicated server is one that we basically owned and maintained and were the only web site on it. The price for this was $150 a month for an entry level server. We stayed on it for several months but again, our traffic continues to grow. As we grow, we have to constantly be aware of how the site interacts with our members. I work in Information Technology and I know as well as most people know, if the site is slow, who wants to be here? With that, we are constantly upgrading behind the scenes to make sure your experience here is a pleasurable one.<br /><br />The thing that cracked me up about this is Hosting Companies toss out these huge numbers to you. 200GB of Bandwidth a month and 200GB of Hard Drive space for $6 a month. Sounds great until you try and use those numbers and they are booting you from their server. Luckily we have a great host now that I can grow with and I am yet to see any major problems with them at all. <br /><br />We put the subscriptions in place for artists who need more space and want to help support iMS. Prior to the subscriptions I had people emailing me asking where they could contribute and we would politely decline.<br /><br />So yes, iMusicScene is free and will continue to be that way. The only goal we ever had was to break even. That is why we have the Yahoo Ads, MusicianFriend and Guitar Center links here. These help offset our cost. We have also been fortunate to have some web sites wanting to advertise with us. As our traffic grows, we will get more advertisers and use those proceeds to advertise iMS and help spread the word!<br /><br />I hope this clears up the question for anyone else who was wondering! <br /><br />Dazed
hey,Dazed,...,how `bout a Picture of a newer bmw,???(cause thats all I can afford).Though I`m not here very often,I never felt put out,or,anything other than Welcomed,by a great bunch of Musicians/Lovers. That would be Music Lovers;)No place I`d rather be,...Mace,(holyjaguar) (hell beach)
hi dazed.. know this ain't the help forum.. lol.. just want say I have the same problem margot had earlier in the week.. all rapster links lead to the search results page only.. guess i'll wait for it to reverse itself.. loggin out and in didn't help.. etc.. anybody else report it? must be all that new code brother.. it's worth it.. you're doin wonderful things here and we are GROWING fast it seems.. cheers T..
With the service you provide and the fast and polite way you deal with tech support or any other issue, I think anyone here who avails themselves of this service should contreibute to it's success. The music community here at large are a gathering of nice people with verring degrees of musical skill but what they seem to have in common in my limited experience, is that they are polite and truely interested in the feedback this forum provides.
Of all these sites I've been exposed too, yours is far and away the best for support and courtesy. Please take the fees and keep a great thing going.
I think this is a great place Dazed and this ifo you shared is another example of your hard work and efforts to keep it that way.
Not a thing wrong with a way to make donations but agree there needs to be alternatives to PayPal.
Thanks for imusicscene Dazed.
Wow this post turned out to be great! Thanks everyone for the nice comments!
Shane you and your music Rock!
Farrel send me a pm and we can work something out. I am looking for a newer BMW if that works.
Blues - Hope you did not feel obligated!
Beer appreciate the donation offer. See my comment above about looking for a newer BMW
Dace thanks man. I always felt that trust was something you earned. I hope I never lose that confidence in anyone here.
Jim it is nice seeing you around here again. When we were GuitaristWorks your visits were pretty sparse
Hi Dazed. I've wanted to upgrade my account for a while now but I refuse (long story) to use PayPal. Is there any other way to make payment for the upgrade?
Dazed,, and IMS, you are so appreciated !!!
All i know is,, we The DEEP, wish to say thanks sincerely for everything that IMS, does for us and other artists. I don't want to be sloshy,, - but all i can think of is a genuine thanks thanks.
Mixposure robbed me of 2 yearly subscription payments. I tried not to feel bitter. And IMS totally healed me. Because of what you offer and have not charged us- it made me feel like the loss at MXPsr didnt matter at all anymore.
Dazed, in loyal fans and friends who appreciate you , i can only suppose that you are rich in that far reaching appreciation.
Thanks forever , from The DEEP,, Michael Styron and Shane.
PS- Thanks also for your music that you and Warren peace etc post here. I always love to hear your vocal quality and guitar innovations.
Thanks for sharing. I found the paid link a while back and wemt that route because it seemed like the right thing to do for everything this site is and offers.
But, yes, this should answer a lot of questions about the subject.
Thanks 2old2rock! Mix was a great site with a lot of talent. I hope more of the old members find this place and call it home. As for being open, is there any other way?
if kyle mcdermott had been as open as you, maybe mixposure would still exist. but the way you have this set up, i think it beats mixposure by a long shot.
thanks whp and nigel!
I just wanted to make sure people understood that the site is free.
Cool info mate.
I expect payday soon and will be taking the paid option.
IMS is simply the best site IMHO.
it's fixed dazed.. it read this post and got serious..