Saturday 04/05/08 Event
<p>Hey Everyone!</p><p>WildHoneyPie had a great idea about having an iMS Party. This is just a chance to get together and hang out in the chatroom, listen to some fellow musicians on the iMS Radio and have some fun. We will be playing the Songs for Rob and chatting away!</p><p>This is a great opportunity to get to know some of your fellow iMS Musicians. If you are looking to collaborate with some musicians, this is a great way to see who is out there. </p><p>We are looking at this Saturday from 6PM-9PM EST to meet up in the chat room. The chat room link is in the menu and the login is the same as your iMS login. </p><p>Hope to see you there!!</p><p>Dazed </p><p> </p>
Okay Gina... I know I speak for everybody here when I request that in your efforts to give Tsar some food that will give him bad dreams to aid in his songwritinig, that you do keep the rest of us in mind. We are all going to be standing near/next to/around him... We're just a little worried about the uhh... the umm... How should I say... The parfum d'aire of Tsargoth. I mean, you remember after he tried that Rattlesnake Dip - it was darn near a stampede out of that Conference Room!
Well now remember GINA, this is a Family oriented show....and I must qualify...DAZED bought the outfit at WALMART, so it is Family acceptable......and as for fishnets??? hmmmmmmm??? an inspiring thought has! nevermind
ahhhhhhhhh......I'm just goin' bach to bed m'self....I shall sleep untill 6PM Saturday....and head straight to the Creepyman corner. I am planning on wearing the French Maid outfit, which Dazed, Bri-an and Saturated got for me......OH!! so creepy, it's so tight too....ewww!!
I have a scrensaver called sunclock 6 which has a map of the world with the diferent timezones on it and im still confused, plus tomorrow (saturday milo time) we in sydney australia go bach an hour before bed , and you guys are stil behind us.. so its wierd when I listen to a stream when rasmuth is on and im behind you guys, so I dunno, we need a universal time zone.. but sounds like a cool idea but I'll either be in bed or out. but have fun any wayz.. and any one wants to collab just look for me...
any ways have fun..
I'm just a creepy guy.....NIGEL? Ya still talkin' to m'?
I'll be the other creepy guy. Nigel....Rob is UK guys are about 5 hrs later than us here on the US east coast.
I'll be the creepy guy sitting in the dark corner watching everybody while mumbling to himself...
Well..Gina,once the Sun goes down, I'm UP for anything .As long as you promise to stay OUT......of your broom ??? LOL . Beautiful idea.....yea!!! Until Saturday night >>>> cheers, "WOLF-wolf"
Sounds like a GREAT idea Dazed and Gina!!! Count me in!!
NIGEL!!! I think that puts you sloshing around on the Bar Room floor some where.....hehehehehehehehehe KIDDING, SIR!!! Probably, more like a cave and howling at the moon........or at home, tucked in bed with the wife
What time is that in UK time zone?
I can never figure things out LOL
I hope to be there.........I just like the idea of getting togother, strengthening our friendships and making new friends. It would also be cool to....just put it out......who wants to collab, but is afraid to ask. I KNOW I WAS THERE for a LONG time, suddenly I became the "Collab HO" to many. And ya know.......I have some great treasured musical memories and learned an awful lot about music, in general. GREAT IDEA!! I hope we can all be many as I understand possible. Good Fun Idea
I should be there with bells on my toes!