Popup Players Continued
<p>Just wanted to update everyone on the popup players. On the Projam Theme the links are done. On your song page, just click the <em>i </em>and you will see the 4 boxes. The first 2 I think I am going to remove. Those use the listeners player of choice. The bottom two will be the HTML or BBCode links for forums that do not allow HTML. I would always suggest using the HTML link if possible. Here is an example using Chrickon's song. I actually sent an email to Michael Molenda from Guitar Player Magazine to listen to this tune for his article.</p><p> <a href="#" onclick="window.open('http://imusicscene.com/index.php?t=audio_player&band_id=29&song_id=4668','TestWindow','width=350,top=0,left=0,resizable,scrollbars,height=350'); return false;">Energy - for Rob</a>. </p><p>The Sage and Cobalt themes have the links as well but I am going to play with them a bit more since I do not like how they are setup yet. </p><p>I should have new Flash Players this week so the iPod player will be replaced a nicer one with links to the site and your artist page. </p><p>Hope you guys like this feature! </p><p>Dazed</p>
Very coool Dazed....haven't checked the player out yet but flash player with links will be quite nice....THANK YOU! ~Blake
I should have these up and running today!
very cool dazed.. GO CHRISTER !!!!
Thanks rapster for suggesting I may have replied to the pm we were all sent...When I looked, I had...How silly...ehheeee
So, here`s my reply then....
Thanks so much for this...
it`s a really cool site to be a part of and feels very much like "home"
I`ve found a lot of warmth and friendship here from the people who use the site to it`s fullest.
Obviously there are those who breeze in, just post up thier songs and leave expecting to be aplauded all the way to the door, but dazed, it`s you and the regulars here who`ve made this site what it is, and in my opinion it`s the best site around. To be honest, I don`t bother looking at others now...IMS--ROCKS..
All your hard work it appreciated..
pop up player dont work for me, probably cause i have firefox set for itunes..
Hummm..I was sure I just posted here....Guess I was wrong then..., now you see it, now you don`t...hummm..
very cool dazed!