<p><span style="font-size: small;">Guys it comes with great sadness that we have decided to close down iMS. I feel like we have let everyone down. There was a lot of time and money invested in iMS and a lot of fantastic friendships were made.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">I know many of you are wondering why now? What happened? Basically there have been some outside influences that have been trying very hard to drag this site down. They did a great job so well done there. I have been verbally assaulted and so have my wife and kids. Very nice huh?</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">In the end, it was just not worth it. I built this site to have fun and frankly the fun has turned into a full time damage control position. I had friends from other sites that really do not spend any time here telling me about how he heard the admins are reading private messages on iMS. You can read that post <a href="http://www.imusicscene.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12100">Here</a> if you have not done so yet. Blows my mind.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">I have a beautiful wife (WildCherry) and two kids and they are the most important people in my life. We currently have some things going on in our lives that is far more important than this site.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">I do not want to just up and close the doors. I know a lot of people have music on here and they may not have backup copies. Mike K also has a great show schduled for iMS Radio on Saturday Night so I hope everyone shows up. Maybe we can call it the last hurrah.<br /></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">I will go through the subscriptions and credit back any monies owed. I do not for a minute want anyone to think that iMS would take advantage of anyone. We have always run this site with the utmost integrity.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">I thank all of you for being a part of iMusicScene and please join us on Saturday Night. Let's make it a party!</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small;">Dazed</span></p>
I've just posted this in response to the forum post linked at the top, but wanted to add this here, as well.
Talk about coming late to the wake. I had no clue this bombshell exploded on this site, and I am stunned by the announcement.
The first I heard about a shut-down was last night on Mike's impromptu show and chat. I swung by with the idea of listening to some tunes, which I don't do nearly as often as I'd like. However, I saw the new blog about the chat, clicked in and the rest is history. I still thought the references to clising was a joke, until returning here this morning and looking over blogs and so on.
I first learned about IMS through one of the Carvin Forum sites, and checked it out. Now, the Carvin Museum forums are history -- shut down a couple months ago because (as I understand it) of some of the backstabbing trash stuff that constantly went on there as well. Again, a few folks spoiled the party for the rest, The main Carvin forums are still there, but the Museaum side folks have pretty much scattered. I was never involved with Misposure (never heard about it until after it died), but perhaps much of the same crap happened there.
And, yes, I know of the situation referred to at the top of this by Dazed, and know the folks he's referring to. I wasn't "there", so I really can't and won't make any judgements. That really is between the parties involved in that exchange of messages back in February.
Personally, I have been up and down here at IMS. As Dazed and some of the mods here know, we have had a few issues in recent months, but the funny thing is, I keep coming back, and with no hard feelings. And in the aftermath, those of us involved with the differences we had came to realize that perhaps each side misintepreted intentions, or things said, or listened to the wrong persons and reacted wrongly, whatever. My way too infrequent visits here are always welcomed by Wild Cherry, Dazed, ReaperSG, and others like a long, lost friend. That says a lot, doesn't it? It's sort of like a family, isn't it? Families bicker and argue, sometimes, but in the end it's still "family", and families always stick together against outsiders who try to butt in, tear things apart, and so on. Maybe it's time to circle the wagons, and pull the family together here, before waving the white flag.
Some of you know I hang out at another site, and am a mod there. Part of the reason I have not stopped in here as much as I once did, is because in the back of my mind I was afraid that someone here (not necessarily the admins and mods, but maybe some of the more trouble-minded members with nothing better to do than stir stuff up) might make raise accusations about a conflict of interest, or worse suggest I was here only to spy. Neither could be further from the truth, and the folks at the other site have had no issues with my involvement here.
I have pretty thick skin (13-plus years in journalism will do that to you), but I didn't want to put Dazed, WC, and the mods through that. In all fairness I wrestled with the issue to the point I thought it might be best to leave here entirely ... but I stayed, and (as I said earlier) I keep coming back. Why? Lots of reasons, but mostly because of the support and friendships made here. The good far outweighs the bad, and hopefully Dazed & Co. will see that and keep going.
If the site closes, however, life will go on. It always does. There was no warning before the Carvin Museum Site closed . It was there one day and locked the next. But people have stayed in contact and are finding new homes, maybe here or elsewhere. But, I sure wouldn't want to see IMS close. Whether I'm here once a week or 100 times a day, it is a great site for folks to visit, hear tunes, chat, whatever. For many members, it is their only indie music home.
In the end, only you -- Dazed -- can make the decision to lock the doors, or keep them open. YOU have to do what is right for YOU. Everyone else simply will have to understand and accept that, should you close IMS. But I truly believe this site's disappearance would be a huge loss.
if you decide to shut this down, then so be it!
but i aint going over to indimusicscene! they suck! and i aint beggin for ****!
damn i'm madd as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **** it!
digger out!
I don't know anything at all about what has evidently been going on behind the scenes here at IMS, but it sounds like Dazed and WildCherry and family have been enduring some sort of extreme negative actions and comments from some thrid party, and I can imagine how incredibly frustrating and upsetting that can be for any family. So I can certainly support any actions you might be feeling you need to take for the sanctity of that most important real life unity and peace.
But if this wonderful place is soon to be mere dust in the wind, I feel compelled to make one last effort to voice my love of this place! I know I don't participate nearly as much as I should. I don't even do a decent job of returning the wonderful reviews people have taken time to leave for me, and I regret that dearly. But as others have said, this place is my number one place to share and hear other's music!
Like many, my free time these days is very limited, but when I DO have a little time to surf the music scene, THIS is the first and usually only place I come. Not because the other sites are dull, they aren't at all - it's because this place for a variety of reasons has so much to offer, and with such a friendly and easy-going manner about it all.
Yes, this place is very special! So much has been achieved here, and so many artistic lives have been touched and nourished, and so many dreams supported and inspired - it's not as simple and as easy as Dazed and crew have made it all appear. It's a magical balance of easy going and gentle handed guidance, and the vision to sustain it all, while embracing so many varied tastes and styles in a harmonious blend of friendship and respectful rivalry that makes the whole scene a mecca for creativity and camaraderie. This place IS so very special.
I'm not going to say good-bye, even though this may be my last chance. Instead I simply want to say how much I have enjoyed and even cherished my brief time here, and all the great people who have given so much to make it the fantastic place it is. Many times we toss off a quick "thanks", when what we really mean in out hearts is so much more, and this is one of those cases.
Thank you Dazed, and WildCherry, I only this trouble might pass and our musical playground can sustain through the dark waters. Either way, I say thank you for all!!!
So sorry to hear...No loss of friendship here ever.
I'll be around.Thanks to all of you here...nice place.
Family always comes first...
later down an worry free...
Dazed, I'm with you 110% on whatever you decide. You know what's up and I know you'll make the right decision for your family and yourself.
You've made this a very good home for my music and I know for others as well. So thank you very much for that.
Bummer Dazed and WC!!!!! I don't know all the detailed cicumstances that brought you to this decision but on the surface it looks like just a few bad apples are trying to rot the whole barrel! Why don't you just throw out the bad apples? I read the suggestions about stepping back and letting the moderators run the site for a while. It seems that's a better solution instead of just shutting IMS down. I was a member at Mixposure when the plug got pulled there. It wasn't pleasant and left many musical friends in limbo land with bad feelings....that is until the IMS site was found and all was wonderful again....until now.
Dazed, without a doubt your family comes first but before you make the final decision, please consider all the offers of help to keep IMS going. Just let me know if there is anything I can do. I'm sure we could find some virtual thugs that could pay a visit to the bad guys.
I think ultimately it is the call of Dazed. All this PLEASE do something else but what you just said was best for you...is understandable, but again...possibly a bit too much pressure for the guy whos got the problem to begin with. I guess ultimately Todd, the call is best for what suits you and not what we want for our own interests. However with the overwhelming support of the crew.. think about it carefully.
Well,I had a whole story wrote out about this and keep getting logged off..lol..Anyway I'll give you the bottom line of what I wanted to say and cut it short..I know it's your decision to either shut it down or continue on..The one thing I have noticed about every place that had shut down is the fact that no matter how many good and trusted warriors step up to the plate to take the blows for something they care for and want to keep alive the owners prove time and time again that their not as important as the trouble and cry-babies..So they have to move on because they lose without even fighting a battle..To me that is just a slap in the face to all the ones that followed you here and trusted you..There is many here on the net that turns their back on old friends for new things..There's many that thinks they got this great position of a life time and shun old friends and forget they even exisit until they fall on their face and come back acting like nothing happened with a bucket full of excuses..I think it's funny and watch this daily here on the net..But with all due respect Dazed you have some great warriors here ready to step up to the plate and battle for you..Some that I have come to know and realize that I would feel safe and proud to have standing behind me for war..My grand mother before she dies always told me to watch out for wolves in sheeps clothing and here is a good example of that..But without calling names I can honestly tell you that you have a army of great warriors and some that place their armor on with honesty and integrity and when they promise to take the blows for you they actually mean it..I have traveled to alot of OMD's with some of these folks and have never regreted it..Then there's some that you know when they showed up they brought trouble from hell with them..You know Dazed I got alot of repect for you and yours and hope this works out for you..But it just seems like another day but same old ****..When trouble comes all the good people get showed they mean absolutely nothing to the owners of the site because they shut it down and move on and the trouble makers and back-stabbers are the ones getting the attention and their way and all the people that are here for the right reasons take a back seat again and take another journey to find yet another place to call home..I read once that a man can't spoil your goods unless you allow him to..I guess that statement stands good here to if you look at it from the eyes of reality and not through rose colored glasses that shows only beauty..Again this is just a slap in the face of every good person that came here to trust you and follow you with hopes and a place to call home for their works and friendships..You have alot of good warriors that's wearing their armor just waiting on you to shout "Charge"..Do yourself a favor and show these great people here that wear your color that you will be the one to stand and fight not only for yourself but for them as well..Your taking away something they also hoped for and waited on for along time..A person and a place they can also trust and also believe in..You advertised this site as a place for friends,Family,Fun,And a place to grow..You can't do that if it don't exisit..Don't be that "Just Another Liar On The Net" with the same old promises that are begining to sound like Charlie Browns teacher..Wank,Wank,Wank,Wank...To us it will be another "I Told You So" and their bragging rights of they shut you down like they wanted..And we will all get together for another journey to find a home..To you it will be a failure and alot of friendships lost because it will fill like a slap in the face..Especailly when alot here that I witness is ready for that war and a battle to help save this place as a protection for their home and family..Again it is your decision and I will respect you and your action..But I do hope you relize how many you will hurt if you choose to close down this site and throw them to the wolves and cold..Take care Dazed and good luck to you and yours..By the way..My armor lays here all polished up if you are ready to war your way through this..Take care my friend,Fredie (Southern Touch)..
I am doing a show tonight here on iMS Radio 7pm ET/USA ... better no one close the door on me for that, is all I can say!
We would just like to say "Thank you", for allowing us to feel at home for as long as it's lasted.
We really hate the thought of this site closing, and if it has to close, there should be a better way than just shutting it down.
We have enjoyed meeting new friends and trying to fit our misfit selves onto this site, and will be somewhat lost without it, to say the least.
And to those negative-Nellie naysayers who are the cause of this, we say
BITE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, it's me again, ZEST writing to you from another page I have here...thanks to Dazed !!!! I have used the Mantra Of Peace iMS player embedded code in about 300 comments I left at myspace on people of my communities pages. That player looks sweet, and sounds great....I have even had people that installed the player on their pages at myspace too....Boy oh boy...that'll be a job to try and track down all that have installed the players at myspace and tell people to remove them because iMS closed.....
Maybe your supposed friends should take a listen to the music on the One Word Mantra Of Peace page here and look themselves in the eye in the mirror and say to themselves, " I am an honourable person that has learned to give peace a chance"
Just my 2 cents....take them for what you feel they are worth....
Dazed, thank you for hosting this second page here at iMS...it really means a lot !!!!
P.S. THANK YOU Dazed and all for this amazing community !!!!!!!!
todd i just read the forum blog you gave us the link to and commented there.. I am blown away and sad like all of us.. but i do understand that
family is far more important then making our childish egos happy by keeping this site open if it has come to such an outrageous problem..I had no idea this stuff was continuing.. keep in mind though.. you let them win if you close.. not that it matters much.. it's all virtual my friend.. do what your heart tells you is right.. we will all find another site to try to stroke our music egos if necessary.. you owe us nothing but have given us everything and i very sincerely thank you..
"Another Day (For My Friends)"
This is a song I wrote for a friend who went through some rough days in her life. She liked the lyrics so much that she ended up singing this song for me.
I don't think that Sharma minds this at all, because she's such a great soul, but I want to dedicate this song to Dazed and WildCherry and ALL the people that are having a rough time every now and then. This song is about hope, about being happy, about YOU believing in yourself!
so let me see if i have this right to make a couple of people happy, your going to make hundreds unhappy .....hows that work?
Dazed, just can't believe! Please do not close IMS!!
This is one of my fav sites and I really hope you can find a solution.
But I understand your arguments and must sadly accept your decision.
Anyway, I'm here to give you all my support and to thank you for all your great efforts about this beautiful site.
Well.....it's a shame....really..... I have had nothing short of the best treatment by Dazed and all here at iMS. I have even recommended this site to others due to the community that has evolved here.
I have had my trials and tribulations on other sites and forums, (as some of you are aware) but, iMS members have always been supportive and understanding. And I for one wish to thank Dazed for his hard work and always courteous treatment of me, and the communities I represent through Zest Radio Show.
I bid you a fond farewell, and hope that you can achieve some personal peace....I completely understand that your hearts are broken. I will keep iMS and the friends I have here in my mind and heart. Anyone that wants to contact me can do so at zestradioshow@hotmail.com
Best regards,
Dazed...i hope that there is some other option than close this great site...
Gary C
Just what we are doing mate.
Overwelming PROOF that the for,outweighns the against.
Jake,we've been on a few haven't we mate.
Well there is always one place that feels nice,behind the guitar
But we ain't gonna roll over and play dead on this quite so soon.
When it's done,it done,and until then
Dazed and family,
I'm truly saddened by the personel attacks.! I'll support any decision you make. iMS is the best thing that's happened to myself and the music I loved to make and share. If there's anything.....and ,I mean anything ...I can do to help you deal with the situation, don't hesitate to ask,,,,,,,,,,Family should be #1..... I hope we can all resolve the situation.... !!
All the best to you and your family,
Larry T.....
Uh - closing the place due to some unsavoury types .......Dazed don't do it !
There will always be people who want to bring anything good down. After all the effort that must've gone into building the site don't let them shut it down.If you need time for personal reasons take up wildhoneys offer and let others run the place for a while.
David.....I agree.....I am hoping, I'm dreaming in a nightmare....or that there IS going to be an option to closing the site......and Dazed.....I don't want no refund, Heck!! I'd donate MORE to keep to keep it going.
I just simply can't understand what the heck is going on in this world anymore. I feel compleatly at a loss.......While I think I get some small idea of what has happend to Dazed and Wild Cherry from some of the words that I read,I am still totally lacking at any level of understanding why or how an entire site with so many people involved can just disappear in a blink of an eye! I know that a shitload of work has gone into buiding and redeveloping this site and I am sure that has involved a far wack of someones [Dazed?] cash. It just is not making any sense to me.
If there are some fools making trouble with threats on a person or family... call the police!! I hope this does not happen. You know even those of us [myself] who have not gotten really involved are still a part of all this....all I have to give is a few songs but I think they bring a little bit of traffic.I got so involved in Mixposure that when it went down the way it did I just felt that being so involved was a waste....please don't let me be right....I don't want to be right on this.
I am compleatly confused....and a little bit dazed.
Hi Dazed and IMS gang,
I know I am guilty of being infrequent... so much going on in life. And though I'm learning - I'm still very PC illiterate ; (( I just want to say thank you so much for the time and friendship here - I understand that family is top priority, and I'm sorry to hear there was bad blood out there messing up the good intentions at IMS. I hope to still keep in contact with you all through the years to come - and to listen and join in your music. Take care amigos! Cheers, Bob / RedEyeC
Agreed...let the mod's carry the weight for awhile, there are willing and able....take some time out.... and spend it with your family...
keep IMS rollin...please. bri-an
Todd, I am SHOCKED!!BUT!!! I fully understand your emotions. I believe Nigel has hit the nail on the head.......Stand Back, for a while. Let the mods work thru things. You have my number.....call me. I KNOW how much the site means to you and SO MANY others. The heck with the quitters, I never understood their motive anyway. That whole movement boggled my mind. It was senseless. IMS is growing stronger everyday......new members, new friends, new music......it would be devistating to shut down. Todd, you have MANY LOYAL FRIENDS here to help keep it together for you....LET US KEEP IT STRONG!! You take a break and refresh your soul
Todd, I want you to KNOW this: you've done one hell of a wonderful job. To some of us, there is quite a bit at stake here. A ton of valuable friendships and interactions that center around iMS. It's my number 1 internet destination. In the end, I will always totally support and respect what you feel you must do to protect your family and sanity.
But we may have other options here and what the great people below are talking about must have some merit. I am willing to help in any way I can to keep these doors open. I will PM you with my tel # and email. I would suggest a teleconference for all those willing to pitch in and brainstorm how we can not lose this valuable resource we've come to love.
I don't know all the details of this, but this is crazy. I don't need any money back Dazed. You guys have done an outstanding job with this site. I understand what it takes to juggle the family priorities they should always come before anything else. I just hate to see it shut down due to other people. Just remember there's no way you'll ever please everyone, but you're pleasing most everyone here. This is a good site, well run, I wish I could offer more help, but my time is limited as well and I don't think it would be fair to you or anyone else to commit to it. Keep your head up Dazed, you have much to be proud about.
I must STRONGLY protest on behalf of all the musicans here who had no part to play in this.
Due to the actions of one or two people,hundreds of others must be punished?
That cannot be right or sain.
Nor can it be good for the spirit.
If you walk away in such a fashion,no matter what you say,it will eat you.
Man I lost count of the number of times I wanted to close down my forums when the crap was flying,but I didn't,I stepped back,got some distance and let the place run itself for a few days.
I am asking Todd and the other admins to do the same.
Postpone your decisions till the emotions are less overwelming.
I ask this on behalf of all the musicans here,who day in and day out do nore than post music,review music,and enjoy the friendships that are forged here,
The whole argument is no concern to me,in fact,it is none of my business, but it becomes my business when the effects of that argument take aweay some thing good,and posative in my life.
In some places I am regraded as an A-hole,and maybe even here,because of my words,that may happen,but I cannot change that,you cannot change what people will say,only the way you react to it.
I am telling you guys,if you pack up shop,this is going to hurt you far more than staying and enduring the temporary discomfort.
Our of respect for IMS,I am not using the bad language I feel like using right now,suffice to say,I ama little bit miffed
If there is anything I can do to ensure that IMS continues,let me know,and I feel everyone else will feel the same.
PLEASE,for US,don't pack it in guys.
What Mike said.
I am a mellow guy,but now I am going to ahve my say elsewhere.
I am sickened by this.
Now it's my turn.
What Gina said ... I'm in 200%!!!
Well, I have to say that I am sorry for the intense pressure that has come due to all the juggling you've been forced to do at the hands of some idiots. I think that iMusic became a home away from the relentless pressure of 'WHAT NOW?!?' after Mixposure went down. But your family comes first. I totally support your desicion to cut the crapline before further suffering takes place. Thanks for the platform that you've provided and I wish you the best for your future, Dazed.
This HAS to be a (bad_ JOKE, right??? I sure HOPE it's a joke!
Dazed, for the love of God and all of the GOOD people here, do not do close down this site! Just because of a handful of "children", I would NOT do this. iMS is one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, site for artists from all over the world! Please, please, please, do NOT do this!!!
I understand you needing more time with your family and I, for one, would be more than happy to step up and help with the site, as others would as well, I am quite sure!!!
Please, reconsider and do not give in to a few IDIOTS out there!!!
Can you tell us who it is so we can always remember to give them the finger? Very sad that you have to be hounded out of an honest enterprise. Very sad indeed. I wish you and your family well for the future.
My work internet goes down and this happens..