Just a few quick things! I wanted to let everyone know that we changed the way the charts are being done. Before it used to be every artist was limited to 3 songs on the charts. I have changed that to 1. This way no artist can dominate the charts.<br /><br />As an example. Let's say you have 3 songs that are the top 3 songs on the site. 2 are in Rock Genre and 1 is in Acoustic Genre. If you are looking at the top ten songs on the site, only the highest played song you have would appear. The same is true by Genre. Only the highest played song will appear. Hopefully this gives all artists more exposure. <br /><br />Mike K is in the process of moving so his show will be off the air for the next three weeks. We will try and do something in the time slot. What I have no idea but we will do something lol. More deatils can be found <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12405">here</a>. Thanks, Dazed!
I just took a listen to the Acappela chart ...and have to agree with Lu...(there are only two songs in it)...neither of which are truly acappela...both having a lot of instrumentation in 'em...I try my best to keep my music in it's proper genre....so should everyone else I feel...whine, moan, whine again...hahaha!! And talkin of cheeeeeese Rob, got any nice vintage cheddar around???
I wondered what happened to some of my songs....hahahahaha!!! No worries...a great idea...gives everyone an opportunity to be noticed in this world, especially those who are unable to do a song a day like some I know on other sites....
WHP!!!! Would you PLEASE "Cut some more cheese".......I'm getting a bit dry and I need to whine.....Thanks!!.......hehehehehehehehehe......phew!!!
Maybe a little less work to do now, but still busy.....hehehehehehe. Ummmmm......Goooood Cheeeeese, WHP!!!
Loren..!!!!...ahhaaa, I`ve just read what you`ve wrote here,
Peace n love Mags
Well, Lu ... there might be artists who think that just because they have vocals on a track justifies "Acapella". Just a guess, though. LOL!
Well thats sounds like a wonderful idea!! now if everyone would put their songs in the right catagory.....for example: I have songs that truly are Acapella...with no instruments....but when you look at that chart...you see everything but!....maybe I'll go for Ethnic....heh!! It's five o clock somewhere
you guys crack me up!
are you going to have a chart for least played and worst song? guys like me would like that : )
I do appreciate the thinking that goes into all this stuff.. and all the hard work to make it appear right.. but scurrilous activity is insidious and ubiquitous.. it occurs to me immediately: oh boy! let me have 10 different artist names.. distribute my songs amongst them.. know how to beat the system (or have help) and then dominate the charts every day!!! lol.. alas .. as long as there is temptation.. there will be sin.. but not to worry.. it's very human.. cheers
It was so refreshing to call in this morning and see 10 DIFFERENT names on the 10 most played today slot...It`s how it should be so that everyone, no matter who they are, gets a fair crack at the whip...Very cool Todd that you changed the way it works...
Peace n love Mags
you are the greatest loren.. good to see you here.. fancy a non-alcoholic beer?.. lol..
"All that whining"? What does that mean? Who's whining, and what about? I don't get it...
Sound thinking.
And I am STILL not on page 1 LOL
So all's well that ends well