Contest Updates
<p><span style="font-size: small; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">It is so nice to see all the reviews that are being done around here. I want to thank all of you for devoting your time to other people's music! I know we all have our own music to write so it is greatly appreciated that you are reviewing the music of Mixposure!</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">As a reminder, the <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=12252">Same Song Title Madness</a> has a due date of August 2nd. Please do not post them! Let's get them uploaded to Mike K and we will play them on his Saturday Night Rocks Radio Broadcast! More details will be coming in the forum. <br /><br />If you have not done one before, here is how it works. The winning title was "I Know Trouble" so the idea is everyone creates a song using that title. Vocals are not mandatory but help sell the song a little better. This is a great way to Collaborate with fellow musicians here. The idea is we get numerous genres around a common theme.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">As for the July Song Review Contest, here are the results so far. Thanks again everyone for reviewing your fellow artists!!</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: small; font-family: comic sans ms,sans-serif; color: #ff0000;">1 Vesa 366<br /> 2 KED 140<br /> 3 rapster 133<br /> 4 Dazed 110<br /> 5 Jims Artificial Eart 104<br /> 6 reapersg 94<br /> 7 selftort 90<br /> 8 WILDHONEYPIE 86<br /> 9 Mike-K 81<br /> 10 MarkM 79<br /> 11 Syngularity 77<br /> 12 Kephas 76<br /> 13 saitkoray 75<br /> 14 zzaj 72<br /> 15 donnaaustin 71<br /> 16 Rob Grant 69<br /> 17 sly puppy 65<br /> 18 WhereWolf 65<br /> 19 bardbrothers 65<br /> 20 PIPERON 61<br /> 21 Mike-NAV 55<br /> 22 bomberdrummer 49<br /> 23 bassist 41<br /> 24 fate_atc 38<br /> 25 TCP 38</span></p>
hello everyone,
well I too wrote a song"I know trouble" but also getting "You are not authorised to read this forum." so I guess I didn't make it in time? to upload.sent an e-mail to Mike K bout it to ask where to put it on the site but i don't think you got it Mike,the site has been actin a little funny for me lately...
have a good one...
Had a slow day at work today, so I was able to listen to a few tunes! LOL!! Takes forever to load, though. It's the network! Yeah... slow connections. Takes about a minute or so until I actually hear the tune, but at least I hear it! Hehe!
I'm having trouble getting to the Same Song Madness thread. When I click the link it tells me I'm not authorised to view that feature. I can't seem to find the thread on the forum, but then again, as DiCarlo often tells me, I'm a Self Dork.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
Grant -if you're older than me, then -you're da man...ha,haa mmmm? oops..couldn't help it,.. my ever lasting good friend & inspiring artist. Thank you. -Vesa.
Hey Vesa.....I'm grateful to have this site and people like YOU here to share it with
love to write reviews my good man? well on the old mix you kept up with my songs but here i'd like to point you my way.. got quite few for you that you haven't heard before.. then you can pass me at number 4 on the top 10 reviewers list on your way to number 1.. sounds like loads of fun..
cheers V man..
Thanks for the contribution from all of you guys. I'm sure you will do the same even without the contest. I lately realized that if I continue to write say ten reviews a week, in half a year's time, the number of reviews I write will exceed the number of 'plays' I would get. So each listen counts even if you don't like the song. Music taste is personal & subjective by its nature. Cheers.
Well, as I had said before, I really don't see an obvious spot that stares back at me with the 'review' numbers, my mind would go nutty to start adding, each I was here.(lol) I just love to write, keeps my teaching
'English Media' & stuff going for one. But most of all, it is neat to hear new music creativeity & hopefully I can inspire others; it's a cozy place to reflect. I got the time off, so I'm just lucky to share & get some tunes out that I like & glad many do also. Learning just never stops amigos. I'm grateful to be with great artists here. Thank you all. -Vesa.
By the time the summer warm breezes have me putting on a sweat shirt over my t-shirt in the evening on the back porch, Rapster...I won't be even close to you amigo...there's no race here...man! I'm slowing down already...geeee...