By: Admin
Posted in: News
<p>Hey everyone! There seems to be some sort of permissions error going on with Internet Explorer. Thanks Ked for letting me know! If you are not able to get in, please try logging in <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/login.php">Here</a>.</p>
<p>We are working on the issue!!</p>
So far so good Dazed....it's quite possible we both did things to fix this. In some research and testing I did yesterday I'm quite sure that one or both of these things impacted browsers in general, not just IE.
1. Microsoft Hotfix KB951748 (a windows XP security update) released July 9
2. Zonealarm firewalls
If you have both of these things installed, you are likely to have problems either logging in, or staying logged in without timing out.
guys I changed a setting. let me know if you are still getting logged out.
ok let me look into it and see what I can find!
Dazed...SOMETHING has definitely changed, at least from my perspective.
I've deleted IE7 cookies, made certain I use the 'remember me' checkbox at login. I've used Firefox. Both are doing the same things. Notes:
1. Prior to about 2 weeks ago (??) using IE7, mixposure/iMS would never drop my login --ever-- unless I chose the 'logout' option. This means I could bring down the browser, power down my PC, come up the next day..and I would still be logged in. That's all gone now.
2. Using either IE7 or firefox I am getting logged out basically indiscriminently....I don't want to write reviews anymore because I've been burned too many times when submitting it only to find I've been logged off. Am I the only one do ya think? I think I read rapster had this same issue.
3. The logoff issue doesn't seem to occur unless I've been logged on for over 30 min or something (hard to track that).
I dunno...becoming a real PITA!! Don't bother with this unless it is happening with others. I wonder how many are NOT reporting this? Any way to get premature 'logoff' stats?
Ok Dazed and Gina...thanks! I could swear i'm always checking that "remember me" box...but now i'll be more aware that i REALLY DO check that box and see what happens.
Blake do me a favor and clear your cookies and let me know if you have the issue. Also are you clicking the "Remember me box?" There is a timer on here that will log you out. But that box should keep you logged in.
Let me know!
I need to play in IE more. I use Firefox and do not see these IE errors hehe. I am looking into it.
yeah Dazed....it just logs me out whenever it wants such as: I'm logged in, go to write a review...open the review mini-window no problem, write the review and then when I submit it the site comes back and tells me I need to be logged on to do that....review is lost....arghh...I know this is happening to others. Happened to me a number of times...but not all the time.
hey Dazed....not a login issue here. For me, it's a 'staying logged in' issue. Seems like there is now some sort of timer that automatically logs me off after about 30 minutes or something (i've never actually timed it). I am on IE7. Look for an email from me soon, different topic.
william if it is only that pc my guess is flash and java may need to be updated or your work env has some stuff locked down. Also IE version 6 is not supported here.
I've hadn't had a problem with loggin in, except for it timing out and auto-logging me out.
but I do a new issue, and it's with my IE on my work machine here, where the players don't show up, and it's not just this site, but everywhere, I get a box with a red "X" in it. Maybe something to do with Flash players ?
I think this s corrected now. Please let me know if you have issues!
Hi Dazed,
Had one of the younger gentleman look at my machine, and he was able to fix it, looked like Flash got boogered up. All is good now and all the players and other stuff is displaying and is usable now.