By: Admin
Posted in: News
<p>I just wanted to thank Blake aka TCP for redoing some of our artwork at Mixposure. I am slowly adding in some additional work he hasdone as well as some Promotional stuff that can be put out on any webste.</p>
<p>Thanks again Blake, they look great!</p>
<p> </p>
BLAKE!!! You are...The ALL Impressive One
Thanks folks....fun to see things become more visually appealing...and hopefully a little more ergonomic too. Got to tell you -- Dazed is a great guy (but you knew that). We've been having fun working together despite the frustrating nature of making changes like this. I've personally witnessed Dazed's dedication to making this site the best it can be. My hat's off...he's working his butt off. A guy who really cares! ~Blake
finally making some headway! sorry to the Internet Explorer users for everything being centered. I had no idea until I looked today.
I am going to be adding some more of Blake's banners as soon as I can.
Excuse the dust!
everything's lookin tite blake and mixpo crew.. a real good do.. cheers..
Blake, you ARE a multi-talented guy indeed!!! SUPER work on that banner. WOW!
LOL...couldn't have said it better myself Stephan! WHP, consider yourself enlightened and thank you! Let's see if Dazed can get all this new stuff working properly....then I'll really be happy! ~Blake
Dazed - the site looks great! And Gina, all that good stuff that women told you about men is true, but all that bad stuff is, well, ah, true, too! Women always dig a guy with a great banner! I could never win.
I love the new style... just a fine one for such a music site with focus on great rock tune. Cheers to Blake!!!
Looks SUPER Blake....well done ole chap !!!!!