Help Save Some Animals!
<span style="font-size: medium; color: #ff0000;">Hey Everyone! I was hoping if you had a moment you could help out Mixposure Artist Maria Daines and Paul Killington? <br /><br />For the months of December and January, for every comment related to any of the issues in the video they get on their new video "Peace Wins The Election" on <a href="Peace wins the Election;. Keep The Green Alive will donate $1.00 Canadian with a $1,000 maximum for Paul and Maria's upcoming CD called Shelter Me. The sales of this cd will help not-for-profit animal shelters.<br /><br />As you can tell, this is a worthwhile cause worthy of a few minutes of our time. So please stop by and make a comment on the video to help save some animals because, quite frankly, they deserve it. <br /><br />Thanks for your support,<br />Dazed</span>
DAZED, Thank you so very much for posting this as a front page news feature. Your support, and the support of the Mixposure community means a great deal to us all.
Texas Jake, Nigel and Gina, Thank you for your support and continued compassion for those that are less fortunate through your participation.
There have been many that have stopped by and left there comments on the song and video. The response is heartwarming to see. Any one that checks out the comments that are being left by the community at you tube will see the positive impact that Maria and Paul's work is doing for us all.
Thank you to everyone for your kindness and willingness to help comfort our friends, the animals and their care givers
Paul / ZEST
Agreed Jake and Dazed.
Already Done