By: Admin
Posted in: News
<span style="font-size: small; color: #c0c0c0;">Congrats to Reaper for hitting 2000+ Reviews!! <br /><br />I want to personally thank you for everything you do here Rick! The reviews are one thing but you do so much more behind the scenes and it is greatly appreciated. <br /><br />Dazed</span>
damn thats amazing!
way to go reap! Indie, The only way to rock!
Do`nt think I added my congratulations here yet Rick....2000 reviews is a marathon, not just for all the words that 2000 reviews takes but all the hours involved as well...Your payback though is that you`ve listened to some really good music (some not so good) but all of the music was posted by people who love to play and I`m sure some of that love must`ve rubbed of on you...Congratulations Rick...
Peace n love mags xx
Aboslutely incredible my friend. How you find the time to write all these reviews, help run the site and put out such great music is beyond me but you do it all so well!!!! A standing O and so much more for you !!!!
Congratulations on your great contributions to this community.
Your writing over 2000 music reviews must have taken a lot of time. I for one am thankful for the time you took to listen and comment.
In all you do behind the scenes, your sense of committment to community is outstanding !!!!
Much thanks for your work, yes, upfront and behind the scenes, as well as being a positive person, motivating artists; as you have done much inspiring for me Rick.
Thanks very much. Cheers. -Vesa.
Rick..................Congrats !!! Amazing work you do with your music and behind the scene. Thank you !!!!!
your bro,
Congratulations M3 Bro! You're 1971 ahead of me ; )) Cheers to the music, Bob
Rick congrats mate
I typed this earler and my pc crashed sigh...
Thank you on behalf of us all
Rick man....i know you're always lurking about...always there..doing whatever you can and doing it so well. And like Joe and Mike said, making some awesome music besides. Thanks for all you do for us!!
WHP...i love what you said and you said it so well!! Very much agree!
You know, Joe said it: not only behind the scenes is right! Rick manages to produce some AWESOME music on top of having a family, a day time job, reviewing and... and ... and ...!!
Truly amazing, this guy is!!!
CONGRATS!!!! MY BROTHER, RICKSTER!!!!! 2000!!! Let me add to Mike-K's comment and say.....What's not to love......hehehehehehe. Dazed has created the BEST INDIE SITE on the Net, so let the Reviews flow on, Bro
not only behind the scenes dazed.. in front too with his beautiful music.. congratulations rick and thank you for all the wonderful reviews you do for all of us here.. cheers..
Congrats, Rick!!! What a testament to your love of Indie music!! WOW, man!! Doesn't get any better than this!!!