Mike K's Saturday Night Rocks on Mix Radio!
<p><span style="color: #ff9900; font-family: 'comic sans ms'; font-size: 16px;">Well it comes with great pleasure that I say WELCOME BACK MIKE! It sure is nice to have you back in action tonight! </span></p>
<p><span style="color: #ff9900; font-family: 'comic sans ms'; font-size: 16px;">Last nights Center Stage Presentation was none other than Avalanche!! I want to thank Mike-Nav for doing a fantastic job on the CSP. It was great getting to know you better!!</span></p>
<p><span style="color: #ff9900; font-family: 'comic sans ms'; font-size: 16px;"><br /></span></p>
Yeah, Margot and Joe - it WILL be worth getting up for again!!! I can promise you that!
ehehee...Joey, if I`m up and awake again next week at that ungodly hour, then I`ll wake you ok...BUT, no being grumpy. ok? ...hahaaaa, lol...
Peace n love mags
You are a real radio man...the old fashioned way....and that is great !
Enjoyed last night....Avalanche Rocks and Nav is a great story teller !
He talks like he writes....haha !
Timezone bug....mmmmm....maybe start Radio Holland...that would leave you guys with huge walls under the eyes !
Cheers !
Mike-K for president : Works for me ...
all the best,
Larry T......
Mike-K for pres ... oh, stop it already, Heinz
Seriously, I had so much fun last night, Mike - I'd like to thank you for putting together such a great show, tons of wonderful music and for playing one of my own songs (which I missed ... sigh)! Saturday Night Rocks!
You're welcome, Margot... and I just wish that MANY more people become aware of all the fantastic talent here on Mixposure!!!
Thank you, Dazed!!! I appreciate all you do here on the Mix!!!
Well, It was great being in the chat with you all tonight...The last time I dropped out, there was no way it was letting me back in, so just wanted to say thanks so much for the warm welcome and for playing one of my songs alongside all of those fantastic tunes...Thankyou Mike..
Peace n love Mags
Thanks everyone. Had a blast and am happy that I'm back. The 3 torture weeks are history now. We'll rock on again this coming Saturday, that's for sure!!!
Hi Dazed...
Well...THANK YOU for this site...and all you do here.
I'm glad you enjoyed it...and the pleasure was all mine!
Hugs...Mike (NAV)
wake me up next time will you margot dear.. unless i should be sleepin and not peepin.. lol.. cheers mike.. gonna set the alarm next time..