<span style="font-size: small;">I wanted to take a moment and say thanks to everyone that is out there doing Reviews. I see a lot of the same people always in the Top 10 Daily Reviewers such as Margot, Rapster and WildHoneyPie. Your dedication astounds me so again thank you!<br /><br />Since we have implemented the ability for artists to determine whether or not their songs can be reviewed and rated, I have not seen a lot of people take advantage of this. This tells me that the artists here do want their songs listened to and reviewed. With that in mind, please be courteous to your reviewers and return the favor!<br /><br />Again, thanks to everyone who is doing reviews. This site would be kind of boring without them <img src="images/smilies/face-smile.png" border="0" alt="smile" title="smile" />.<br /><br />Dazed</span><br /><br />
Hi all
Just found this and thought I'd add a bit.
I'm not a regular visitor here, but when I can get in I like to listen. And I've done a few reviews along the way
I've found that people in general appreciate getting a review, especially if it's positive in nature. Like others here if I don't like something I generally don't make any comment.
With regards to style and type, I've listened to just about anything that comes through the front pages and a substantial amount of stuff in the back pages. I think a straight forward compliment works wonders. Irrespective of whether I understand the music or not.
Yes I have had traffic to my page as a result of the reviews I've done, but that aint why I've done them. This place has some amazing music, and when I want inspiration. I come here.
all the best
today there are right now 30 folks logged in and 90 visitors.. i really do believe the life of this site flows through it's front page.. the reviews.. the blogs.. without that constant flow it would indeed be very boring.. but please.. not just the few giving artificial respiration.. lol..
You know Mav...That is just the way I feel...I listen to so many more songs than I actually comment on...Some are so removed from what I can musically comprehend that I would`nt know what to say, how to say it or where to start..... Who am I to tell someone that their music sucks? It actually might not suck, it quite easily may be that I`m just not feeling ...I think the worst thing I`ve ever said to anyone was that "I did`nt like the lyrics" that was a day or so ago and was refering to lyrics that were obsene and abusive..I dont review music I don`t like. I like tons of what I hear and mean what I say in the comments I make..
I really enjoyed reading what you think about it all and hope you recover soon..
Peace n love Mags
well, here is my "one take". it aint much but....i listen to everything i can. but alot of music is not what i can comment on, i am expanding my reviews with an open ear, and that is the joy of this site, open ear music. i get to experience alot of different styles, ones i dont normally listen to. but if i dont like the music, i WILL NOT leave a bad comment at ALL. why should i, their music is their "baby". it is like bearing your soul, and to crush someone's music might be a blow to quit playing, as i once did. now i just do it....play, be happy, life is too damn short.
i want all to remember me at my funeral as a musician that loved playing and had something to contribute to someones life who heard my music. my thanks to all, dazed, michael, and everyone that has commented on my music......this site rocks, i have brought at least 5 people here, got a chance to bring a freind into a record label, now that really rocks!!! my life sucks right now being injured, but i love hearing my reviews helping others, gotta go kiddies...
be good to each other, nothing else matters.
ahahaa, how sweet..
Awwww...Huggerz !!!!
Finding out about this forum and his members is the best thing that has happens to me in months.
It makes me very warm inside, to hear such great variety of good musicianship and dedication.
I've made some friends here, for witch I am very greatfull.
Its because of U, Dazed, that all this can happening. U give Us the opportunity to express Ourselfs thru out Our music. Big Thanks for that!
May this be a Neverending Story !
Dazed! Members have 1 ! Now I know you did that just for me. You took the pressure off. I've known for a very long time that you're a fantastic musician and care about everyone here. Even when it's just a little 0 and 1 thing to somebody.
You made my day. lol
Members are listeners. Not long ago I updated the database and moved all members to artists. That is why you see that at zero most of the time. Hope that helps!
Ain`t life wonderful...:-)
Thanks WildHoneyPie. I didn't know I was right..just how I had it figured.
I understand why some people state their feelings about the review issue. I haven't. I don't presently have an issue or feelings about reviews but I do have an understanding of the issue.
You mentioned "Put pressure or feel unwelcomed" directed to those that may feel that way...well the only pressure I mentioned was trying to figure out why "Members" is always 0! lol...wished you would have explained what that's about...been buggin me for a year now. I've never seen it change. Dazed change that thing to "1" for awhile-lol
Ya I write down the URL and leave it everywhere I go. Been doing that since I came here.
I second most of what you`ve said here to Michael...Very well put I thought..
Though I personally think things here at the site will evolve in their own time and that the listeners will come as the site grows...A site full of artists eventually will attract an audience full of listeners..ehheee, We hope...
I like what you wrote Gina, very cool I think..
Peace n love Mags
The art of reviewing ???? Just write down a honest oppinion ! Negative or possitive doesn't matter...as long as it is honest ! The only "You are Greats" are suspicious and not to be trusted ! I guess people don't like negative critique though ! At Soundclick.Com I quit reviewing after people got angry and called me rude, whilst I just was truthfull....strange ! It's pertfect legitimate if folks don't like my music, no problem.......the problems usualy occur when I'm thinking the same !
Aren't we creating music we like ourselves in the first place ? Third party appreciation is a bonus...hahaha !
This is a quote from IDIOM
I think some people don't return the favor because they are not sure on HOW to review, or can't because they just don't know what to say."
I`ve thought that myself for a long while too Idiom, that some people don`t know how to review because they`ve never encounterd it before, don`t know what to say or even feel somehow "silly" for commenting.. I feel inclined to say, just do it..If only a couple of words, then that`s better than none...eheeee...Above all, have fun...:-)
I know when I got my first review, and with it being positive, I was dancing around the living room like a chicken being electrocuted (yep, that's how I dance!), but I think some people don't return the favor because they are not sure on HOW to review, or can't because they just don't know what to say. A million years ago it was acceptable to say "It rocks" or "Cool tune, man", these days artists want to know why it "Rocks", what makes the track stand out so they can repeat that achievement again.
I know what I'm uploading are basically first time songs that have been polished as much as they can be, but the more reviews I give, the more I get back and the more I learn what works in those first songs to go ahead in later weeks and take the gold from the sand and create something special.
I guess some people just don't understand the meaning of reviews, how they can help develop your style and artistry as well as giving them a chance to listen how other people "do it" so the artist can say "never thought of trying that" and go give it a go.
Review to be reviewed, take pleasure in the negative as well as the positive. I would rather a thousand negatives in place of a positive, that's how we grow, although it's great to be told how cool you are lol.
Just my two cents.
Like in real life there a those who just like to receive, and those who like to give and share ! It's obvious last option is favourit....due to first category the financial system is on the downfall !
Remember...some kind of form of solidarity isn't a dirty word....in fact it makes us stronger and it provides a good vibe ! It is a bit of a synergy effect.....bundling activities...increases goodies for each individual participator !
Those who never respond....say cheese !
Dazed, it`s so cool to pop in and find such a kind "Thankyou" message from you...I`ve told you not so long ago,
Dazed thankyou so much for your appreciation of what we do and for being the captain of such an incredible ship..:-)...:-)I for one am very happy to be on board..
peace n love Mags
Not sure how this got by me.....GINA!!! I only said......"WET....." so, hmmmmmmm!?!?!?!?
Reviews and review expectations. My personal feelings and agenda. I have always been one to express the importance of POSITIVITEY in a review. Not everybody is thick skinned and not everybody is looking to get slammed, so if you can't find something you like or positive, why bother saying anything, unless you can say it in a positive way.
Bringing out negativity may only point something out to someone, who may not have even noticed or had that opinion. (EXPRESS your criticism in a PM) That's my opinion and what I have done. I have been blasted openly and critiqued in private and I respect the Private critique and appreciate the help.
Anyway......I'm not good with words like some, so I just tell what I feel.....Super, Excellent, Great, Love it, Like it, Whatever it is.......it's the way I feel......I am an avid listener and I LOVE ti Listen. I just wish I had a keyboard in my truck, so I could type reviews while I drive......WWWOOOOOOOOEEEEEEE!!!! It would be CHILLLS!!!! SCREAMMS!!! YEAHS!!!! and HAMMERED ACCELERATOR!!!
I don't review to get reviewed, but I do like to make friends and at least get a Thank You
The topic of reviewing seems to be everywhere for us indie artists,not just here.
It seems everytime I come here I notice the info about the number of artist,members,and visitors. Why? Because I don't know what it means so I wonder about it- and think it may relate to the "review" issue and here's why;
Artists- Many probably come here and to the other places to advertise there music.
They are probably having trouble finding time for their music
and trying to survive. Doesn't leave much room for "reviewing".
Members- Well it's "0" today- whatever that means and whoever they may be.
Visitors- I guess they're not "artists" nor "members" and are the "audience" that isn't giving the reviews or lack of, that some think may be needed. Or maybe they are artists and members that haven't signed in..I don't know.
With the information I have here is how I submize the issue for here and the other places I know that have this issue and also places I've heard about, which is:
It's mostly musicians (artists) posting. Not much of an audience. The audience doesn't review to the level of satisfaction of the musicians (artists).
Then there is one area left the way I see it...
Some artists use indie sites as a "holding tank" for their music and really don't care about reviews or giving them. Their music can be accessed anywhere which saves the hassle of recorded mediums. Their friends, family, fans and whoever can simple go here or there and listen to the material.
Personally I listen, review, record and everything else when I feel like it. I don't review to get reviews. Unlike the younger artists that maybe are trying for musical success I'm an old guy and it's a fun hobby. So honestly this is more of a "holding tank" than an advertisement and publicity method. I hoped when I came here that there would be many reviews by artist with advice to help me improve and to share musical ideas with but things worked out differently. Now I feel..it is what it is and really don't have any suggestions for changing it. I will add that I do mention this site every chance I get.
Agreed 100%!!! Now, if some of those whom I review and leave a message that I would like to play their tune on my show would kindly respond, it would be even more special. I don't just "pick" - no - I am "PICKY". So, if those who haven't responded to me yet, please do.
My show "Saturday Night Rocks" has a lot of Rock in it, granted. But, it's not ALL about Rock! It's about INDIES who Rock NO MATTER WHAT GENRE they are in! So, please... be a bit more responsive. You have AWESOME music out there and I would think that some of you would LOVE to be promoted via a LIVE radio show, so ... it's up to YOU!
That would be MY wisdom for the day!