Genre Spotlight Additions
Just wanted to let everyone know we are trying to continue to add Genre Spotlights! Heinz (airmeki44) and Mark Cloutier (MarkC) will be doing the Pop-Rock and Blues Spotlights respectively. We also added Idiom and Sly Puppy a few days ago for the Ambient and Electronic Spotlights. <br /><br /> You can see all of the spotlights from the link in the menu or just click <a href="http://www.mixposure.com/index.php?t=genre_spotlight">HERE</a>. Some of these pages are under construction so give it a little bit of time for them to build the pages. <br /><br />Thanks to Blake, Rob, TJ Gardner, Mark, Idiom, Sly Puppy and Heinz for volunteering their time to work on the spotlights. Oh we also added a banner on the artist pages for the spotlights so that will also help you find your way to the spotlights!<br />
Mark, Heinz congrats guys. Big high fives!!
Hey thanks people ... I really appreciate these nice words
I`m sure all the genres will have the right people for the jobs in hand...Well done guys..
Peace n love mags
yeah!! thank you for the honor!!some terrific blues on this site-look forward!
WTG gentlemen. fine choices indeed Dazed !!!!
yeah, i just posted in blues forum--cheer