Site Features
<span style="font-size: small; color: #ffffff;">Hey Everyone!<br /><br />I just wanted to mention that we made some code changes on the site that some of you wanted to see. There is now a link on your artist page to show all of the song reviews you have written. Some members had asked about adding this so there it is.<br /><br />Also, Heinz this one is for you....<img src="images/smilies/face-grin.png" border="0" alt="grin" title="grin" />...<br /><br />On the Stations Link there is now a way to jump to any page instead of using page next one click at a time. <br /><br />Hope this helps those of you who wanted it!<br /><br />Dazed</span>
Most excellent indeed, Dazed!!! I am dazzled!!!
Hey Todd, this is awesome!