
New Site!

user image 2012-04-13
By: Admin
Posted in: News

<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Hey gang I pulled the site back for now. I want to fix a few bugs and add some modifications in before going back to it 100%. It is close but there are just a few things that are bugging me about it.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Todd</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Mista Perez
04/15/12 05:44:18PM @mista-perez:
I think chris meant. That he loved this version. lol. I have to side with him. What makes THIS version of mixposure better is it concentrates more on the music and musicians. The NEW layout I saw as trying too hard to be what every one else is. What makes Mixposure my FAVORITE MUSIC SITE IN THE WORLD is...just clicking a player with simplicity and easily navigating and checking out new as well as people I call friends music.

If you can update the site but keep the old layout for navigation purposes that would be FANTASTIC. I always said this in public as well as privatly....I love MIXPOSURE.

04/15/12 11:52:02AM @mike-kohlgraf:
Once the "bugs" are cleared, I think that the new layout will be just as charming is this old one. For the time it was up, I had a bit of trouble navigating. Especially, it wasn't really obvious how to get to the forums.

Todd will do a great job. I know! Keep it up, my friend :)


Chris Georgiou
04/14/12 08:14:02PM @chris-georgiou:
Another great Indie side, lost his personality......for playing with the machines..............its a shame
04/14/12 08:15:50PM @marie-dailly:

04/15/12 10:51:55PM @gene-smith:
I have to agree with Dazed here folks (not that my opinion matters LOL). I learned to navigate the new site in a couple of hours bugs and all and started liking it a lot. Many are resistant to change but do you remember when you were "NEW" to the site and what it took to find anything? To be honest the artists these days are inundated with twitter and Facebook, and Youtube, and getting younger and younger, I think change is inevitable.

I would welcome some main page view selection (blog versus action) and there were a couple of tweaks to be made but all in all I appreciate the work Dazed is putting into the site...

04/15/12 07:20:49PM @dazed:
Come on guys you know me better than that. The new mix to me looked a lot like the old but just had a few new features. Yes it has the social media aspect to it but I think it is important to be able to get our music on facebook, twitter etc. easily. I do not think it was easy before.

What I want is a streamlined site that is easy to navigate and is clean. I do not think we have that with the current version of Mix. I think it is kind of cluttered.

Have faith everyone. I think if you give the new version a chance, you will like it in the long run.

04/16/12 04:25:18PM @david-c-deal:
I have to admit my first few hours with it were most unpleasant and frustrating. As I found some goodies (like the enjoyable way I could arrange my song orders) I started to thaw. The two main issues I had with the first attempt were one, the "action list"... who just did what.. is not only totally unimportant to me but makes me afraid to even visit my own site because my visit will be a published, public testimonial to my narcissism. My second unhappiness, which I'm sure Todd what a temporary issue, was the lack of a convenient "newest songs" list. I rely on this for reviews when I only have five minutes in between sessions. A third smaller desire is a return of some kind of clear listing of music by album on a directly accessible page for the musician's site. This is for easy access to music when the site is used as a promotional page. .........Dazed, I love your continuous work on Mixposure and what you have accomplished. It is indeed the best site by far on the internet and I am sure whether you do what I suggest or not it will continue to be so because... well you are just damn good! Dave
bill b
04/16/12 10:44:47PM @:
Hey It'll be great! I liked the fact I could just upload a sont right from the homepage and all that interaction...makes it happen...just a few days and we'll all be lafin...laughing-
ah, ah- ha ha -ha -ha lughing ah...

Nice work there Mixmasters

04/18/12 06:49:02PM @marie-dailly:
Hmm, I kind of got used to my page being changed, but the change to chat is really horrible. Can we please please have it back the way it was??
04/19/12 03:49:57PM @cooter:
I feel like the owner of the sandbox gets to decide what the sandbox looks like. I have fallen in love with Mixpo because of the people here. From my perspective, you can paint the sandbox any color you like, Dazed. As far as I'm concerned, I'll find a way to be happy with it, long as my buddies are here.

Having said that...

I have no interest in what everyone is listening to being posted on the Home Page, but I do enjoy seeing what has received reviews, and I particularly enjoy seeing music which has recently been uploaded. I had already decided it was no big deal for me, as I would set up the page with new songs to be the page my Mixpo bookmark took me to, and bypass the Home Page altogether.

I've had trouble getting anywhere while the new facade is up. So I haven't really had a chance to grow accustomed to its advantages. I'm sure that will come as I am able to explore it more, though.

I wonder if it would be possible for me to be able to set my *listening-to-music* activities to NOT show up in the broadcast. I do not always comment on *every* tune I listen to, and would just feel more comfortable listening to tunes while signed in, if the tunes I have played were not public info.

But, if the broadcasting of all activities is continued, that's ok, too. I'll just listen to tunes while not signed in, and sign in only when I want to leave a review, or post a comment to a blog, or post to someone's main page. Then, sign back out, and listen to more tunes.

I know this is tons of hard work for y'all, Dazed. Your desire to make Mixposure more fun to use and easier to navigate is noticed and sincerely appreciated, good sir.

04/19/12 10:00:03PM @tcss:
Kooder I was in the process of removing songs from that list anyway. We have 4000-8000 plays a day so that can get irritating. In the new version I think we are moving it back inside the control panel. The artist page will have the ability to hide it but yiu could always set the start point. I chose songs hehe.

I moved thet chatroom back for a few reasons. Size and missing features. While some of the new features were cool, I did not like it being the size of a postage stamp. Just pissed because we spent money on it.


04/17/12 11:46:20AM @bri-an:
I absolutely hated every thing about it.... i couldn't access anything at all, nothing...notta...zippy doo daa...oh...perhaps one exception when i could comment on someones existing his post...
Features reminded me a lot like, who's doing what??? who the @(@&** cares about that??? wastebook has damaged the essence of what OMD's were IMO....this place is becoming more like a music storage facility because of wastebook and should stay clear of any resemblance to it.
...perhaps the new page format works with PC's?? cause it wants nothing to do with Mac's?
I like the the existing...sure tweek the features (kool)... but keep the "like" and 'share" bullshit out of this...unless you decide to change the name of mixposure to reverbnation.
my opinion


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