A Big Mixposure Round of Applause....
Congratulations are in order for Blake, Henry and Jack! Way to go guys and I wish you much success!!<br /><br />Dazed<br /><br />February 25, 2009<br /><br />TCP Releases The Way on 10T Records<br /><br />ATLANTA, Georgia February 25, 2009 (10T Records) 10T Records is proud to<br />announce the pending release of the debut full length CD release by TCP,<br />entitled The Way on April 21, 2009, with a retail street date following on<br />May 19th.<br /><br />TCP is a project based around the collaborative spirits of Henry Tarnecky -<br />vocals [Pennsylvania, USA], Blake Tobias - keyboards, bass [New York, USA],<br />and Jack Wright - guitars, drums [Maryland, USA]. On their debut CD they<br />are joined by a variety of special guests who help to forge the unique TCP<br />sound, blending elements of classic-era progressive rock with a healthy<br />dose of modern sensibility. Totaling over 70 minutes, the eleven tracks<br />that make up The Way showcase the bands dynamic blend of dark, melodic<br />vocals with extended instrumental interplay as layers of soaring guitar and<br />keyboard passages lock into a solid foundation of shifting and complex<br />rhythms.<br /><br />When the music you've put your heart and soul into is now in someone elses<br />hands, it's a huge act of trust and confidence, says founding member Blake<br />Tobias. Steve and Jeff of 10T have shown they deserve that trust. TCP is<br />proud to be associated with 10T and among this family of great artists.<br />We're excited about the prospects of new and creative things that Jeff and<br />Steve bring to the table; feeling this is The Way.<br /><br />We are always on the lookout for bands that embody the 10T Records<br />philosophy of adventurously reaching forward, says 10T Records president<br />Steve Carroll. When we first listened to TCP we instantly knew this was a<br />band that fit us like a glove, while being unlike any other artist on our<br />roster. We couldnt be happier to be in a position to expose the rest of<br />the world to what TCP has to offer.<br /><br />The Way by TCP is available for immediate pre-order through the 10T Records<br />website. All orders received between now and the official release date<br />will ship by the end of the week prior to the official release.<br />Additionally, selected tracks from The Way are available to preview in<br />their entirety through the 10T Records website:<br /><br />"The Way" by TCP on 10T Records<br /><br />After May 19th, The Way will be available through your favorite retail<br />outlet for immediate purchase.<br />
Great News and Congrats...Wishing you for many more great things to come
Jay from the Autumnleaf
Oh wow, this is wonderful news!! Well done to you all. All that hard work and dedication has paid off!! Now you must go do what you do best, make music and make people smile!! This is your time now, enjoy and have fun. I wish you all great success!! With love, Melsi
I love good news! You've been very supportive and always found time for others and now it's your time...here's a wish for all the best to you guys. Congratulations Blake!
Congrats Blake, Jack, and Henry....
Getting a CD made is no easy feat to accomplish..especially when long distances separate the guys...and I'm sure if feels great to know that all the hard work is paying off. The music I've heard is great...and I wish you all success with this exciting venture!
Hugs...Mike (NAV)
Way to go Guys! Looks like all the hard work is paying off! All the best wishes in the world for your project, keep us posted!...Justin
Absolutely wonderful news, Blake!!! You guys are AWESOME!!! I would have responded sooner (to your email), however, I am going through some "hectic" (to say the least) times at this moment. I just am thrilled that the outstanding talent you guys have is being recognized by the "big boys". I am VERY happy for you guys!!!
Much success to you!!! TCP deserves it!!!!
Blake, Henry, Jack - first of all: Congratulations for achieving this milestone! I'm utterly happy for you guys and wish you best of luck with your release, the critics and the sales of the album!
Blake, I hope you remember that one of the first albums you get in your hands has my name on it
Excellent news guys!!!
Quality music wins everytime.
Hey Blake, Henry, Jack!! Like I told, Blake........I already ordered my copy....hehehehehehe....CONGRATS!!!!! TO ALL!!!!
Congrats going big time you guys so deserve it and you have worked so hard you guys are so talented good things come to good people I allways say best wishes and a successful career punt this thing to the MOON !!!!!! and don't stop.
Best regards Gary Burris.
First, thank you Dazed! WHP, LP, Larry...Thank you! It was Rob Grant that told me to come to mixpo in the first place. There are such great people here that provide so much support. Dazed has got to be #1 with everything he does, but there are so many others. I love supporting the great musicians here too but have been unable in the past few months, working with Jack and Henry to wrap things up. Still am. But I will be back online as I have in the past, as soon as our material is submitted for this album.
What I want most to express- my deepest gratitude to the best 2/3 of TCP...Henry and Jack. Somehow everything's possible with these guys. We'll see how this goes once it hits the music critics!! Ouch!!!
Well, back to mixing the last song...argh. ~blake
Like I've always said, "you guys are the best on the net". Now you are going to be one of the best "in the real world". Congratulations.
David C Deal
Blake and crew.... I couldn't be happier....
Wishing you all the success you deserve.... WTG !!!
Out freakin' standing,
Larry T *****
This Is Wonderful News... You Should Be Very Proud Of Your Successes.. WTG!! Congratulations To You All...
All The Best,
lonesome princess
10T Records
1121 Park West Blvd.
Suite B-105
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466
Artist Management - Steve Carroll
Thanks for all the comments folks! Yes on top of his outstanding musical prowess, Blake has proven himself to be an excellent producer... in every producer dimension!
A tremendous pleasure to work with Blake, Henry, and all the others contributing to the project!
So..... uh..... guys..... when do we start TCP II ?
Thanks again everyone!
WTG Blake, Henry and Jack. I'm soooo proud of you guys! Wish you all the success in the world and then some!
~ Gabriel
It's heart warming to have so much support from you all. This would not have happened if it were not for Mixposure and the fine artistic environment it provides. Geez... thanks everyone!!! Henry