Login Issue
<span style="font-size: medium;">A few people have mentioned that they have experienced periodically being logged out and then logged back in on another page. A correction was made late this afternoon to try and resolve this issue. <br /><br />Please let me know if you are still getting logged out and if you can duplicate it repeatedly. If so, I need to know the steps to recreate!<br /><br />Thanks for your patience to those experiencing this bug!<br /><br />Dazed</span>
Wim if you could send me your browser/version and how to duplicate it, I will look into it some more.
Guys I am no sure what this could be anymore. Make sure you are using IE or Firefox with the latest updates. I can not reproduce this on IE7 or FF for PC or FF or Safari for Mac. Since it appears to be random and can't be reproduced on command, I am not sure where to go with it.
If you can duplicate it at will, please step it out so I can reproduce it.
mmm...when i open up my's says "guest"..then when i go to the main page... i am logged in. fine with me.
I have NOT had any problems at all with reviewing and having to log in... NONE. So, he problem seems to be history... :D
are you behind a proxy? Speed access to different sites can vary by how it is routed. Can you run a tracert and send it to me?