Next Site Track
<span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #888888;">Anyone up for a Same Song Title Madness Site Tune?<br /><br />I have start a thread in the <a href="">Forum</a> so everyone can start posting song name suggestions. Please post what you would like and let's get the ball rolling!</span></span>
I'm not sure if anyone is interested, but amongst my folder of words and lyrics I have many song titles, sentences, that I hold onto in the hope of working on them one day. If you like I can offer some of these? Melsi
"You end up with 10-20 different takes on the same theme"
Umm, maybe I should take a stab at this, sounds right up my alley lol.
Sounds very cool!!!
If you have not done one before, here is how it works. We get people to post a song title in the forum and everyone votes on it. The idea is everyone creates a song using that title. Vocals are not mandatory but help sell the song a little better. This is a great way to Collaborate with fellow musicians here as well!! You end up with 10-20 different takes on the same theme.
Please explain to newbs like me what this means?
brother i would but i have not finished the last one yet due to a nasty cold that i just can't get rid of.
but you never know, i am starting to feel a little better! lol
I'm interested, working on a load of new stuff at the mo, so another one won't be too much hardship
"My Sister Is My Mother And My Cousin Is My Son"."Cut Time"."Freak Zone"
"Are You Trying?"...."Watch It"
Of course........
This sounds pretty cool!
My problem is I can't sing to save my life.
Even my dog hates me!
Can instrumentalists play too?