Jim Interviews Gezha Prime
<img src="" alt="" width="290" height="300" /><br /><span style="font-size: medium;">Just wanted to let everyone know that Jim has just put up his interview with <a href="">Gezha Prime</a>! The interview will be up for about a month or so and is available on the left side of the page or by going <a href="">here</a>. <br /><br />Thanks Jim and Gezha!<br /></span><br />
sorry--gezha-bad spelling for me! excellent!
really nicely done--jim,you are the "voice"--funny and you have that cool charisma!
nicely done gesna! well spoken and enjoyable synth work!!! mark
Jim and Brian - this was a fantastic listening experience!!! Kudos to both of you!!!
Hampster Brain????? REALLY ?????? Hmmm.....we'll have to see about that....Hey, Mother In you have that picture of Gezha as a child? You know, the one where he is asking for forgiveness for his wayward ways? I think someone is overstepping their boundries here Gezha....Oh, and I did hear the interview called me a piece are in big trouble with my mother in law Gezha....At least I know how to spell your name correctly....end transmission...Xetock....over....