New Radio Show
<p><img src="http://www2.mixposure.com/image.php?mode=band_image&band_id=3385&width=290" alt="" width="290" height="218" /></p><p>Hey Everyone!!</p><p>We are in the process on working on a new Radio Show but this one will be a bit different than the regular Radio Shows. Primarily because there will be no music.</p><p>What we are working on is a show that will be entirely on Mixing. Some of you may know <a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/Mike_Aurigemma/">Mike Aurigemma</a> and his music not to mention his knowledge on not only mixing but equipment as well! Anyway, we are in the process of possible putting a show together that will be an educational show on ways to improve your mixes or just learn in general. The shows will probably be based on topics suggested by members and be an hour long with an hour of discussion after the show.</p><p>So what we would like to know is would this be of interest to the members of Mixposure? If so, what topics would you like to have covered?</p><p>Thanks for your input!</p><p>Dazed</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>
Send them to me directly mike_a@mixposure.com
That would be best for me and we can have some live interaction via chat.
Todd I am building dedicated computer for the SAM but I nedd to download the correct software.
You can post it here for now or if you prefer use the recording forum!
So where are we going to make suggestions for topics? Is there a thread in the forum?
Actually live video is already setup
You think we are just sleeping around here?
Mike, You're AWESOME!!!!
Hi All
This show is going to be about whatever you guys want and need it to be about. Think of some questions about recording that you want to have answered soup to nuts. I will address each question in detail no matter how advanced or basic and remember there are no dumb questions and I am not the type of guy who is going to make you feel bad for asking. I am very excited to be a part of the mixposure radio shows and hope to have all of you tuning in and participating in the show next month.
Thanks for the support
Mike Aurigemma
i hope you guys understand what i'm trying to say.
yes, i would be very intrested in this type of broadcast. there is just so much to know, i am very intrested in learning as much as possible about getting the best out of my recordings.
I was just talking about this with Mike A last night. Excellent idea ! I think a lot of us can benefit from some tips, tricks and how-to's regarding recording. Perhaps discussion about equipment, methods, do'd and don't. I'd be tuning into this for sure. - Bilbozo
I think it will be fun Mister B! Guess we will see how it goes
Aesome, Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike A what a fantastic idea! Maybe different segments from the basic to advanced to keep all levels interested. I know that I need as much basic info as possible and often the advanced stuff goes right over my head. But I'm game to learn as much as I can. Can't wait! Maybe a spot for someone to offer up a sample for tips on what and what not to do.
Yes I would be seriously interested in this. Good idea!
any specific subjuct, hmmmmmm. well, being that i have zero traning, and the fact that you folks keep records of all the broadcasts. why not just start simple,{ whatever you guys feel } and then there would allways be an insight for anyone to fall back on through the archives of the show. just an idea you know. just start simple.
This would be an extremely useful and interesting tool! Thumbs Up!
Any specific subject??
What a cool idea!! It would be neat to see more shows like this covering different ideas.