Jim Interviews Letters to the Devil
<p><img src="http://www2.mixposure.com/image.php?mode=photo_image&band_id=2908&image_id=3122&width=384" alt="" /></p><p><span style="font-size: large;">Just wanted to let everyone know that Jim has just uploaded a new interview he did with Letters to the Devil. You will see it on the left side of the page under Mixposure's Interview of the Month.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: large;">Thanks to both of you for taking the time to do the Interview!!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: large;">Dazed </span></p><p><object width="600" height="430"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param> <param name="movie" value="http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j20vp.swf"></param> <param name="flashVars" value="channel_id=&video_id=all&band_id=507&userId=4&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j20vp.swf&remoteWidth=600&remoteHeight=430"></param> <param name="quality" value="high"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j20vp.swf" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="430" flashvars="channel_id=&video_id=all&band_id=507&userId=4&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j20vp.swf&remoteWidth=600&remoteHeight=430" name="video"></embed></object></p>
Dazed awesome job on the video! Jim thanks again for the interview we had a blast. I'll be working on linking everything up tonight. I'm off to MD for now have a good weekend everyone and thanks again!
Keep the cool interviews keepin' on Jim buddy. You're doing fine, nice addition to Mix. I was going to warn you about these satanists...lol only joking...I howl at night my wife says, & tries to strangle me with her pillow, maybe it's the snoring mmm? did notice more hair on my back jee...so who am I to say...
Take care. -Your friend. -Vesa.
Finally had a chance to watch and listen (damn day job!). Great stuff, guys ... all the way!!!
Listening now and enjoying what I am hearing. Great job all and thanks for being a part of Mixposure!