Mixposure Oktoberfest
<p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><span style="font-size: large;"><em><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva;">Coming October 24th!!</span></em></span></span></p><p> </p><p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><span style="font-size: large;"><em><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva;"><br /></span></em></span></span></p><p> </p><p><object width="600" height="434"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param> <param name="movie" value="http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j40pw.swf"></param> <param name="flashVars" value="&photo_id=all&band_id=634&userId=0&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j40pw.swf&remoteWidth=600&remoteHeight=434"></param> <param name="quality" value="high"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j40pw.swf" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="434" flashvars="&photo_id=all&band_id=634&userId=0&jamroom_url=http://www.mixposure.com&remoteSwf=http://www.mixposure.com/include/n8flash/n8_j40pw.swf&remoteWidth=600&remoteHeight=434" name="photo"></embed></object></p>
Yep....Awesome pics....loved it... pure entertainment! Thx, Bud
Glarknab bleenoo dranvoo kreeeeepseeey....nooooooooooooooo...........
Amazing.....totally extrodinary.... You all,,, are the best....
loved it,
LOL!!! Now that's really funny!! Thanks Gina!
How about some T-Shirts with those images??? Now THEY would be a HIT!!!
Ist Herr Jim R ein bisschen Schwul ? Why else would he carry a purse on the catwalk ? Seriously folks...these pictures are going to be collector's items.Well done Gina and Rick !
Doing awesome, Gina!!! LOL!! These are ALL great!!! :P
Hehe - Just saw myself ! Never looked so skinny.. What a hoot ! Gina & Rick, you guys mad a lot of priceless laughs and chuckles here ! Uber Keul !
LOL- Awesome! Great work!
Well done Gina! These are great
GINA!!! I am still laughing as I write, this is brilliant! Well done you for all your hard work, these have brightened my day for sure! I think Rick and Heinz should win the knobbly knees Contest, and the Catwalk Threesome look very Grrrrrrr!! Brilliant work, you clever lady!! Melzaroo x
LOL ~ This is really awesome!! You BOTH look Fantastic
what a blast LOL!!!!!!!
Herr Mike and Frau Gina, what are those dings you have on? After seeing this picture, I need to go find my stein and fill it up! LOL!
u guys are have too much fun with this! LOL!!!!!
trying to say...Let's have a poll...Should Herr K wear the Dirndl yes or no....
Richtig geil diese Anzeige ! Trotzdem gibt es ein riesigen Fehler...Es soll nicht Frau Honigkuchen sein die das feschen Dirndl trägt, sondern Herr K !
For those who don't speak German (like me)...I'm just trying that Mike should wear the dirndl...And I hope Mixposure TV is up and running again on that day....
Ja, ich brauche jetz das Weizenbier! ftlpope
Mike, dieser lederhausen und sonnenbrillen. Was wunderbar kombination *lol*
oooooooooooooooooooohhhh!!! Mike!!! Gina!!! I am......HAWT fer deez peeks!!! I muz jump een and jawn you, no.....?!?!?!
Herr Kohlgraf, please continue this phrase:
Im Himmel gibts kein Bier, drum ...
LOVE THOSE LEGS!! -...... Mike...... LOL. G, now that's a pretty smile if ever I saw one. A very welcoming poster, and yes please can I order some schnitzel too, and I am partial to German sausage, (SG no comment please)! Looking forward to the Oktoberfest, not sure what it will be but I am sure it will be a jolly jape and hoot!! Melzaroo x
That's funny!! LOL!
"You ain't seen nothing yet//" LOL!
ut oh....
Now this is classic.... I need to keep this for later blackmail purposes
Heheh What a great ad ! I thought I would never see the day I would see Mike-K wearing Leiderhosen. Really kicks up the spirit of Oktoberfest. Looking forward to it ! - Bilbozo
Alright!!! You got the "Pull My Finger" Polka by Bilbozo and Buddrumming in there! AWESOME!!!!
Oh NO, who superimposed that hideous old granny head onto my beautiful body!! How very dare they!! LOL xxxx If you start to sell these posters I would like to put an order in for sure!! Grrreat stuff. x
Hmmmm....quite disturbing