Ked News
<p>Ked Begins Work on New TV Series</p><p> </p> <p>Toronto Motorsports Park.Kohler Ontario</p><p> </p> <p>Tom Hnatiw former co-host of Dream Car Garage on SpeedTV, and now host of his own show Hard Drive with Tom on MEN Tv... has asked <a href="http://www2.mixposure.com/KED_RECORDS/">Ked</a> to supply music for a new series he is working on that revolves around the incredible 2010 Dodge VIper ACR-X race car and its subsequent race series. The bulk of his HEMI Tones project will find its way into the backround music and the series theme song.</p> <p>I asked Ked about the video shoot and this is what he had to say. "Tom asked me to bring a guitar to the video shoot. He put me on the road course on a corner at the apex.... and had the incredible White Viper ACR-X go by me at race speeds just inches from me while i jammed along to the song VIPER BITE which will be the series theme song all this while two cameras shot the action."</p> <p>"This footage will be hopefully used for the computer generated opening scenes for the tv show.. yet unamed but due to broadcast on Versus TV in the USA sometime in the middle of July. This is such a huge honor and a thrill for me to be involved in something i truly love.. CARS AND GUITARS !!!!!!"</p> <p>"As an added bonus myself and my wife.. got to experience an ultimate thrill.. I GOT TO DRIVE THE DARK GREY VIPER ACR!!!!!!!!!. We had an in car camera on us for the three laps i was allowed. In second gear at 5000 rpm .. 600hp propelled us to just under 100 mph in a blink of an eye... hopefully some of that footage will apear on Hard Drive with Tom... on a future episode of the show."</p> <p>"I do believe this is just the begining of an amazing experience" said Ked. "Tom has approached me about a few other ideas but i can not let them out of the bag as of yet. I can say this though.... one idea he had for me to explore would be very beneficial for Mixposure."</p><p> </p><p><img src="http://www.mixposure.com/image.php?mode=photo_image&band_id=1937&image_id=4826" alt="" width="400" height="300" /></p>
Congrats on the TV gig Ked! Also sounds like a good venue to try out some great new gear aswell as some new musical concepts. Awesome!
Continued success...brother,
All the best,
Oh wow!!! Absolutely thrilled for you, Ked! Awesome!!
Very Cool Ked! as they say "Lighter her up"!! Rock on bro!
Bravo!!!!!! Ked!!!!!!!
Go for it!!!!!! wwwwowooooooohooooo!!!!!!
Congrats and keep rockin' the world brother.
Yay big guy!!! Way to go!!!
i'm sure you are complimented by this whole thing...... keep up the good work and don't put it down till you can sign it...joel
Thank you for the kind words folks... I am truly humbled by your support.
If you keep at it with all your heart and soul.. things will happen for you.
My work is a reflection of my vigil to get somewhere in the musical world with out having to be on some pop music chart.
Congrats. it is well deserved for who I believe is a very prolific song writer and a true gentlemen. Awesome dude.
Bravo my friend!!!!!! Good thing those cars stayed their distance though, they would be in for a heap of hurt
Love ya brother
Congratulations guitar-car man. You are perfect for the job and the honor is well deserved.
The Polar Bear tames the snake. All of us could not be more proud of you KED. Congratulations on your new success. Looking forward to catching an episode of the show ! - Bilbozo
...weren't you tempted to do donuts on the track??? lol..good to hear Ked!
Good man Ked!!
Delighted to see you with some success
Best wishes.