

user image 2010-07-24
By: Admin
Posted in: News

<p><span style="font-size: small;">Facebook has now been fixed and you can use the application. You can go to any artist on Mixposure and click on the left side link for the Facebook Music Player to add that artist to your Facebook page or just go to the Application Page </span><a href=""><span style="font-size: small;">here</span></a><span style="font-size: small;">. Once you add the artist, you can go click the drop down under Account &gt; Application Settings &gt; and click on the Edit Settings for My Music to determine who should have access. The songs will appear on the tab section like Wall, Info, Photos, Links &amp; My Music. You can change the order of these by dragging them to the spot where you want them. This was a quick fix to get the music back up there. We will do some layout changes soon. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">The Chatroom is back together again. For whatever reason, there were some conflicts going on with the existing flash player so we just put a new one in. I should have done that first versus spending many hours trying to get the existing one to work. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">That leads us to where we are now. Since we have only had the new server in for less than a week, please tell me how it is running. Are you having any issues? Slowdowns? If you are having login issues, please close the Mixposure Page and delete your cookies. Then try and login again. If you still have issues, please try another browser to help isolate the issue.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Thanks,</span></p><p><span style="font-size: small;">Dazed</span></p>

07/29/10 11:07:07AM @gabriel-sabadi:
Tried that Todd. Works fine with FF but on my laptop with IE8 Win 7, it always forgets me as soon as I log off (if not sooner lol). Not a big deal, was just a thought. Other than that, no major issues to speak of so far :-)
07/25/10 09:30:30PM @mark-reed:
We are trying to fix the Who's Online Also!
07/28/10 11:56:40AM @gabriel-sabadi:
Are the Artist Pages and the forums on the same server? Would love to see a one log in system. More of a future request than anything else but sure would make things a lot easier when trying to post on the shoutbox from the main page or jumping to a forum post and trying to reply :)
07/30/10 04:39:05PM @josephrodz:
Clear your cookies. My same setup works.
Mista Perez
07/28/10 06:31:13PM @mista-perez:
Same server, different applications. The best thing to do is log into the Mixposure and check "remember me" and do the same for the forums. You will not have any problems this way.

We had a 1 login system for the PHPBB Forum but VBulletin is a lot different and I have not met the developer yet who could code a 1 login system for it.


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