
The Latest

user image 2012-05-12
By: Admin
Posted in: News

<p>First of all Happy Mothers Day to all of our Mix Moms! We hope you have a great day :)</p><p>We are making additional changes and tweaking the site here and there. You should now be able to post the players to Facebook. I am looking for a solution for posting individual songs to Facebook. Right now it is pulling all songs in which can be a pain at times.</p><p>If there is something from the old layout that is missing that you would like to see added back in, let me know. I will see if we can add it back in.</p><p>Thanks for putting up with our dust!</p><p>Todd</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

05/13/12 12:27:41PM @dazed:
you can still customize the pages somewhat in the control panel. We are still tweaking the site and I have not really gotten to the artist pages yet.
05/13/12 12:17:17PM @dicarlo-productions:
OMG!!!! I used to have two VERY cool looking pages here. Not anymore. :( What happened to the pages? Now they´re just an empty space, with something on the right side. I was on the Original Mixposure, (a very classy site) and I thought your last change of this (the New Mixposure) was pretty cool, and I liked the way you could customize the pages, but this.... Me no likey!!! :( Like Carol Sue said, "Something got lost in the Mix"!!! :(
05/13/12 11:34:49PM @dazed:
Just an FYI everyone. I am starting to work more on the artist pages now. You will see I added a better BIo tab and I will get the comments added back in soon.


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