
Mike Aurigemma

user image 2012-06-30
By: Admin
Posted in: News

<p>I know many of you know Frank from Stratage Guitars and many of you also know his son Mike who is a member here. Mike has helped a lot of people on Mixposure with not only his excellent drum skills but also his incredible mixing and mastering knowledge. Mike is also an exec at Sam Ash Music and has helped me with questions I have had on a few purchases.</p><p>When I saw <a href="" target="_blank">Mike's Facebook</a> post about what happened to his house with Hurricane Debbie, I was terribly saddened. What a terrible thing to go through. The storm drains were apparently not cleaned properly so the water had nowhere to go. It ended up in his and his neighbors house. To add insult to injury, it appears that Mike recently refinanced his house and it looks like the insurance was not picked up by the new mortgage company with his escrow account. Talk about a mess.</p><p>Please drop by <a href="">Mike's page on here</a> or Facebook and let him know we are thinking about him.</p><p>Todd</p>

Doug Dickens
03/21/17 09:13:39PM @doug-dickens:
Are you still with us Mike?


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