
New Mixposure Contest for Valentine's Day

user image 2013-01-16
By: Admin
Posted in: News

<p><img src=";band_id=10&amp;image_id=7980&amp;width=400&amp;crop_height=280" alt="" width="400" height="280" /></p><p>Well this is going to be a new one by Mixposure Standards lol. WildCherry and I were thinking about this and thought it would be a great fit for Mixposure. Winner of this contest gets a Mixposure T-Shirt or Polo. Limited to sizes we have in stock!</p><p>So what is the contest? Well it is pretty hard to read any news source and not see something about Taylor Swift. Yes every time she gets dumped, she is in the studio writing about her experience. There are break up songs about everyone she has dated and it is getting kind of funny. With this in mind, we need everyone to come up with their best Taylor Swift break up song!</p><p>Vocals are going to be key in this one with some fun lyrics. Your song can be any genre you like, serious or comical. Due date will be February 14th of course.</p><p>Please post any questions you have!!</p><p>Todd</p><p>***Update***</p><p>Apparently not everyone is in on the joke for this contest so I thought maybe I should clarify.</p><p>The contest is for a Valentines Day Song. With that in mind, it was a great opportunity to basically have some fun at Taylor Swift's expense. Since she gets dropped more than passes in the NFL and then writes a song about each time, what a great chance to have a laugh about it. Everyone else is laughing about it!</p><p>Please upload the songs to your account and use a song genre of "Valentine Day 2013" so we can track them all.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Mista Perez
02/04/13 12:21:11PM @mista-perez:
I am in the process of writing this and releasing it before the week ends. This is a fun challenge... I think I can do this.
01/28/13 01:24:51AM @kara:
LMAO Okay I am in!
01/23/13 08:07:32PM @gary-hart:
Taylor Swift is the female equivalent of Nickelback. they have so many haters lol.

Ok as for the songs, please upload them to your account and use a song genre of "Valentine Day 2013".

stephan foster
01/23/13 12:22:42AM @stephan-foster:
Great challenge Dazed! Wow! Lots of haters in the room, eh? For some reason I keep thinking of the words of Woody Allen, who said, "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach; those who can't teach become critics". As Sgt. Hulka said, "Lighten up, Francis"! Give the woman some credit as she has released 3 highly successful albums, writing (I think) all the material, co-producing the last one, getting better with the vocal pitch, etc. Note that I'm not a fan, don't own any tunes, photos, etc. But she has certainly taken the music "business" by storm in a short period of time. But I can understand the criticism because we know that ABSOLUTELY no indie artist, either here or anywhere else autotunes, hits the piano roll to correct those bad hits, re-records the track a million times 'cause you keep screwing up the take, sings out of key in live performances, etc. ( that's sarcasm, if you didn't catch it). So date somebody, break up and write a tune about it, using 3 chords, singing off-key and autotune it and you'll sell millions - it's so easy! And remember to sling your long blonde hair back at least every 20 seconds while you're doing it. Grammy's here you come! Can't wait!
01/22/13 09:22:45PM @eirik-finbak:
I love Taylor Swift! After Shania Twain she is my favorite artist! Is it ok to make a tribute instead?

And where do i sign up for this competition?

01/16/13 10:58:41PM @gene-smith:
Wow tough one for us who don't follow that stuff, last news I had was thet "K West" guy touting Beyonce at the awards ceremony. Time to hit up YouTube ;)

01/16/13 11:43:32PM @cooter:
Our best Taylor Swift breakup song? I didn't know there was such a thing... or could be.

This could be fun and funny, though.

01/20/13 12:45:20PM @dazed: - New music coming from WildCherry, Saturated and Dazed. :)

Farrell Jackson
01/19/13 08:33:47PM @farrell-jackson:
Come on's a spoof....get it a spoof? It like a Mad Magazine take on a Taylor Swift's style of breakup songwriting....she breaks up with her beau and she writes a song about it. It's a fun's something to goof on...a joke.


01/18/13 12:35:54PM @elektronz:
can i use a snippet from the wizard of oz ,,something like ding dong the wicked witch is dead LOL not sure how im going to tackle this one ,,not being able to sing or stuff ...hmm sounds too good not to at least have a crack at it though :)
02/14/13 08:52:19PM @mark-reed:
Thanks to everyone who participated! I was a slacker unfortunately. I started a new job and have been racking up a lot of hours. Great company so far!
01/20/13 11:28:25AM @elektronz:
i dont know who this taylor swift bloke is ,,,sounds like the name of a car to me anyways shall do me best research to find out more about this obvious human carbuncle and shall endeavour to do my upmost to represent sed bone of contention in my most humerous and sartirical manner ..thus rendering the object of audio destruction well and truly ..erm destructed ..sort of ..yup !! ...anyways im in and can safely say ..antidisestablishmentariansim without losing face or dentures or the ability to fry an egg whilst reading a heavy tome a nutshell im up for the challenge and shall face it with pride and courage and the option of a remix should the opportunity arise :) endeth the waffle :)
01/20/13 11:39:26AM @elektronz:
01/20/13 11:42:34AM @elektronz:
i dated taylor swift once ...not cos i liked her its cos i knew id get some free studio time and a song written about me ,,then i could sue her for royalties and finally buy my ferrari
01/20/13 07:59:18AM @waveman:
oh my bad...I get it now, I missed the joke entirely! lol "bail out"
01/20/13 11:32:09AM @elektronz:
im thinking of that popular sonnet theres 3 in a bed and the little one sed roll over roll over ,so they all rolled over and one fell out ...well mine would be theres 3 in a bed and i said omg taylor swifts in here to ..lets smother her with a blanket we all did ..and got a good nights kip ...y`know something along them there lines :)
Sam Houston
01/18/13 08:09:58PM @sam-houston:
I'm sorry Todd for what I'm about to say and is in no way directed at you.

Taylor Swift is THE biggest no talent butt ugly human to EVER grace a stage anywhere. Basically....she blows. That's her only asset....she blows. How do you think she got where she is....because she blows. If you've ever seen her with no makeup you can even see the stretch marks around her mouth....she blows. The ONLY reason she can even get a date is because of her money and....she blows. But she can't even do that right which is why she can't keep a boyfriend.

01/17/13 08:10:39PM @syntopia-music:
You do not cover her songs. What I am looking for is just a good "break up" song. If you google Taylor Swift you will just see that after every breakup there is a song or two about the ex. So I thought it might be fun for us to do something similar.

I thought it would actually be funny for us to write songs that Taylor Swift would want to record about breakups. There was a recent breakup with Harry Styles from the band One Direction. So if you want to channel that feel free. This has just been all over the news because it seems she only gets motivated by breakups and hits the studio.

The goal, as always, is have fun!

01/17/13 07:03:16AM @josephrodz:
Thats gonna be a killer contest!

01/19/13 11:21:49AM @waveman:
I can't believe any independent music site would put a picture of this dim wit on their front page, let alone a contest over her, a huge faux pas. well said okie wolf, most independent musicians want to kick her in the lily white forehead, lol...over and outta here.
01/19/13 01:31:56PM @cooter:
Not everyone gets the joke, I guess.
Farrell Jackson
01/17/13 10:16:16AM @farrell-jackson:
Is the contest about covering a Taylor Swift song but adding original lyric or about writing a completely original song in Taylor Swift's style or any style? I'm a little confused because I just dumped my favorite lawnmower, lol? Seriously, which is it?


P Eric Bailey
01/17/13 10:17:42AM @p-eric-bailey:
Can I record this "live", sing out of key and play the only three guitar chords she knows? This may be harder than I thought! Oh no, I have to find a boyfriend to dump me, too.
01/19/13 02:41:03PM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
Apparently not lol. Oh well. It cracks me up. Most people take their music so seriously yet have never made a dime. For most of us, creating music is done for our enjoyment. If someone enjoys it, that is even better.

If you do not like the site song challenge, don't do it. If you take extreme offense to it, you can ignore it or be like waveman, miss the joke, and bail out.

For the rest of us, hang out and create a fun song making fun of Taylor Swift lol.


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