<p><span style="font-size: medium;">First of all, apologies about the Flash players and the start stop thing. I have been looking at the Flash Forum and it looks like they have a fix and they are testing it out. Hopefully it will be released soon. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">The testing on the new site is going well and with luck we will be releasing in the next few weeks. I am looking for a new host now and we may change our host first and get that out of the way. Then we can change the site over. Oh the good times!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Anyway thanks for being a part of Mixposure everyone. The site will get a little dusty as we start making changes to it so please bear with us!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: medium;">Todd</span></p>
I am also experiencing this elsewhere (soundcloud and some youtube vids) it's a PITA indeed.
Todd.....Keep on keepin' on.! For some reason,for me, the individual song player,,,as well as the album players have worked flawlessly....!
As always, you rock,me friend...
Larry T
I have found that the play buttons on the new songs or chartspages work ok, it's the other play button icons that give me the start-stop treatment. I also backed up a version from Flashplayer11 to version 10, latest issue/update. I have Win7 and XP.
Thanks all. Yeah that bug is a bit of a pain.
Larry you are fortunate! I have just been using chrome mostly and no problems.
DR yeah I am glad to read your post also. I know many thought this was a Mix bug but it is any flash player.
oh so its not just me then