
Songs for Michael Foster of Avalanche

user image 2013-05-05
By: Admin
Posted in: News

<p>Greetings all!</p><p>I received a message from <a href="">David Pendrago</a>n about a project he has put together for Michael Foster from the band <a href="">Avalanche</a>.</p><p>As some of you know, Michael is in the hospital and could use a little bit of support to get him back on track. Some of you may remember when we did the Songs for Rob (Grant) when he was in the hospital a few years back. This is the same thing. Healing through music!</p><p>Michael has been a huge part of and I think this is a great time for us to step in and thank him for being a part of Mixposure and supporting us through the years. I am going to see if I can find the interview Mike K did with him and we can get that posted for everyone to listen to.</p><p>So please follow this post on Facebook - <a class="autourl" href=""></a> and post a link to your tune on Mixposure and hopefully some well wishes for Michael. Michael has been sick for a few years and he and I have had some discussions around his illness and the medical profession in general.&nbsp;</p><p>This will only take a few seconds of your time and defiitely is being done for the right reason. Come on Mixposure, let's song bomb the facebook thread with some music!</p><p>Todd</p><p><img src=";band_id=1505&amp;width=290" alt="" width="290" height="163" /></p><p>The Saturday Night Rocks Interview with Michael Foster.</p><p><object width="400" height="450" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><param name="flashVars" value="radio_id=&amp;song_id=31167&amp;band_id=507&amp;autoplay=false&amp;skin_color=0x000000&amp;jamroom_url=;cluster_url=;remoteSwf=;remoteWidth=400&amp;remoteHeight=450&amp;"></param><param name="quality" value="high"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="src" value=""></param><param name="flashvars" value=";radio_id=&amp;song_id=31167&amp;band_id=507&amp;autoplay=false&amp;skin_color=0x000000&amp;cluster_url=;jamroom_url=;remoteSwf=;remoteWidth=400&amp;remoteHeight=450"></param><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><param name="pluginspage" value=""></param><embed width="400" height="450" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="radio_id=&amp;song_id=31167&amp;band_id=507&amp;autoplay=false&amp;skin_color=0x000000&amp;jamroom_url=;cluster_url=;remoteSwf=;remoteWidth=400&amp;remoteHeight=450&amp;" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars=";radio_id=&amp;song_id=31167&amp;band_id=507&amp;autoplay=false&amp;skin_color=0x000000&amp;cluster_url=;jamroom_url=;remoteSwf=;remoteWidth=400&amp;remoteHeight=450" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" pluginspage=""></embed> </object></p>

05/07/13 07:32:49AM @mike-kohlgraf:
My continued thoughts and prayers are going out to Michael. He'll get through this, because he is not done writing great music by a LONG shot!!!!!

Rob Grant
05/11/13 01:23:11PM @rayon-vert:
MIKE NAV!!! I wish you the BEST!!! Many were here for me and it helped me immensily. I will pray for you, my thoughts are with you.


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