
New Feature

user image 2013-08-20
By: Admin
Posted in: News
This has been tested a bit but please let me know if you have any issues or comments.

You can now change your artist landing page and background.

On your page, click the sprite (sprocket) to the far right of the band name to go into your Profile. Click on the Customize Tab and then you can choose which tab will load first, timeline, audio, YouTube etc. You can also upload an image to appear as your background.

Hope you like!
08/27/13 11:07:13AM @david-c-deal:
Thanks so much Todd. I think you are doing a great job. I know when your struggling with so many variables sometimes it's easy to miss things. (or maybe I just think I know that because I'm rationalizing my "old fart" brain" :) I hope you don't mind my suggestions.

08/27/13 08:23:26AM @dazed:
Hey Doc - Email was down yesterday for a several hours due to a moronic email provider. We do not host our own email any more because we did not want it on the server. I dumped them yesterday and we have a new provider.

The counts will be going back in. I hope to get to it this week.


08/27/13 05:39:49AM @david-c-deal:
Dazed, I wasn't sure where to post this so I thought I'd put it here. I was given a review on a song and I wasn't notified by e mail even though my account settings are to be notified. I'm also confused about whether people are reviewing songs anymore or not? I don't believe there is any place where song reviews are tallied or displayed? I'm afraid if we loose these review functions and notices people will loose interest in posting songs. That box in the old system tallying how many reviews people did that day was a great reinforcement for doing reviews. Please consider bringing that back. Also that list of most reviewed songs each day seemed very motivational.
08/24/13 11:35:50AM @admin:
yeah it should be working now :)
Farrell Jackson
08/24/13 11:20:08AM @farrell-jackson:
Wow that was fast Dazed! I was in the process of adding my song info. in the lyric box when I saw the song info. box pop up. You are a quick one dazed...thanks!


08/24/13 11:03:12AM @admin:
I can add that in today Farrell as a new field.
Farrell Jackson
08/24/13 11:00:03AM @farrell-jackson:
I suppose for the song info. we can just place it in the lyric section. That works for me. A title change of "click for song info and lyric" would be even better.


08/22/13 02:47:17PM @dazed:
email me the lyrics to: admin [at] mixposure . com

As for albums, and I am going by memory here, you can modify an existing song and add an album name to it. Then modify the others to the same album name. When the album name is clicked, all songs will appear.

Farrell Jackson
08/22/13 02:31:21PM @farrell-jackson:
This is probably old news but folks have been asking about how to create albums....which I'm still not sure how to. But I just discovered that when on the audio page if you click on a song's album title that all the songs with the same title will play as a group. Like I said it's probably old news but it's new discovery for me, lol!


Farrell Jackson
08/22/13 01:36:34PM @farrell-jackson:
Thanks Dazed and David! I re-ordered a few as suggested and so far so good.

Dazed I've come upon an error that won't let me add/update some song lyric. It worked fine yesterday? Here's the error: You have entered an invalid value for "song lyrics" - value must be printable characters with the following allowed HTML tags: span,strong,em,a,b,u,i,p,div,br,img,h1,h2,h3,h4,pre,hr,ul,ol,li

Any thoughts?

08/22/13 12:02:36PM @david-c-deal:
I changed my song order again yesterday and so far it's held. I will definitely post if it reverts back again.

08/22/13 10:07:41AM @admin:
It was fixed yesterday. Arrange a few and make sure it does not change. Then do all.
Farrell Jackson
08/22/13 10:05:06AM @farrell-jackson:
DCD or Dazed please let me know when the song sort function is working correctly because mine have also switched back after re-ordering them twice. It takes time to drag and drop 69 songs to my liking so I'll hold off until it is stabilized.



08/21/13 04:42:20PM @dazed:
Correct Dale about the dj status. Site wide downloads have not been setup yet but will be soon.
08/21/13 04:41:10PM @dazed:
Ok it may have just resorted. A fix was put in so let me know if you see any other issues.
08/21/13 03:58:46PM @devodale:
never mind.... I just got a private note saying 'DJ Devodale' downloaded the track....that answers the question.
08/21/13 03:55:41PM @devodale:
Even though the song is for sale, it still allows that only because I'm DJ status? I had gone in a few months back and made all my songs free....not sure why those certain songs are back for sale....
08/21/13 01:57:19PM @david-c-deal:
Hate to be a pain here but twice now the song orders have reverted back to their original order after I had them changed. I am not talking about the original problem where the change did not "take" but after the change was successful.

08/21/13 12:40:48PM @admin:
very cool!
Farrell Jackson
08/21/13 10:07:32AM @farrell-jackson:
It worked like a charm, thanks Dazed!


08/21/13 08:26:14AM @cooter:
You rock, Dazed!
Bamil Music
08/20/13 05:05:37PM @bamil:
Thanks; Great stuff, Like it.


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