
Congrats to Sam Houston - Mixposure Artist of the Month

user image 2014-03-05
By: Admin
Posted in: News
Congrats to Sam Houston - Mixposure Artist of the Month

Congrats to Sam Houston for being the Artist of the Month!! Please check out his music and his Bio below!


I played on stage for about 30 or so years. I have played with such people as Roy Clark, Jana Jae, Reba McEntire's guitar player, little brother of Brooks and Dunn's guitar player, and many others. I've been on the radio and TV and was close to a record deal. But, I finally just got pissed off at the music business in general, and especially country music. Country isn't country anymore and people don't seem to know what country is these days. Also, being on the road constantly really wears you down. I wanted to go fishing or hang out with my friends but couldn't because I always had somewhere I had to be. When I finally quit, I could look at my schedule and see where I was going to be two years ahead. That's just ridiculous! So, I quit. I still have a lot of my equipment though. I have 24 guitars, 5 amps, a bass, and a bunch of PA equipment. So, maybe one of these days I'll start up again, but on my own terms this time.

A note about my music. If you are looking for a polished studio sound, you won't find it here. I don't have fancy recording equipment and choose, at the moment, to not have a band. It's just me. My music is rough, raw, and real. But I ask you to really listen to the songs. I promise that my songs are truthful, honest, and from the heart. However, I believe this is the core of music. Everybody should put themselves out there like this. Because that's what I'm doing.....putting myself out there. I've made many recordings in studios when I was playing full time. But there are no studios involved in my music now. No studios to hide mistakes or make a song "pretty" or have the perfect mix to fool the listener's ear into believing they like what they here. My music is raw but very honest.

If you want to know me......just listen to my songs. Every song is true and has actually happened at some point in my life. Nothing here is false.



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