
Same Song Title Madness and Song Reviews

user image 2014-05-12
By: Admin
Posted in: News

Please make sure you are voting on the Same Song Title Madness! The poll will end in a few more days so please vote!

I also wanted to thank everyone who has been doing song reviews!! If you are receiving song reviews, please do the courteous thing and provide some feedback on their music!! I am guilty of not reviewing songs lately so I too need to jump back in and start doing them. Maybe we need to do another contest on Most Song Reviews! 

What do you guys think?

Paul Stokes
06/10/14 11:45:06AM @paul-stokes:
Good idea, I'm all for it.
05/18/14 12:13:46PM @admin:
since we had a tie I extended the poll for a few more days.
Farrell Jackson
05/13/14 09:55:38AM @farrell-jackson:
I've not stopped reviewing. Maybe a most song reviews contest would help inspire more interest in reviewing. Can't hurt.


05/13/14 12:41:45AM @gene-smith:
Cool idea!


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