Chat Feature
Hey Everyone - You will now see a toolbar at the bottom of the page for Chat. It will show the users online you can message and you can also disable it by clicking the cog wheel. This is basically the same as Facebook. You can also enable Facebook contacts and Google Talk on this as well.
I will probably add a "shoutbox" back on the main page in the next week or so that we can use as well.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
It is in beta test. We have had 3 haring losses during test so we want to make sure it is right before we release it
yeah i have a question ...when you going to implement the mixposure implanted player that sits under the skin just behind your ear and streams music 24/7 without any buffering forever tapping my ear to get the dam thing working ..people think im losing the plot ...or do they think ive lost it ?... hmm i dont know ,,answers on a grain of rice to the big E ,across the pond ,left of sweden po box small island off the coast of europe ... :D
I don't have any questions. Just want to say that I like this New feature. And thanks for all you do