
Same Song Title Madness - Voice in the distance

user image 2014-05-23
By: Admin
Posted in: News

Ok the votes are in! The next Same Song Title Madness title is "Voice In The Distance". Let's look at at completion date of July 12th for this one. That should give everyone enough time to seek out some people to collaborate with if you so desire!

Have fun with it everyone!

06/15/14 12:34:07PM @admin:
well done E!!!
06/11/14 11:20:53AM @elektronz:
ok 5 is my limit ..i write so many so i can compete equally with you lot ,,,your too dam good hence my multple entries er missus lol
06/07/14 10:18:00PM @elektronz:
track 4 is done lol on a roll ,,,yessir !!!!
06/07/14 06:43:09PM @elektronz:
well ive got 3 under my belt and just about 3/4 of my way through a fourth tune ...yee with a haa :)
06/04/14 11:51:53AM @elektronz:
im on a roll peepies ...just finished and uploaded my 2nd track ,,the "all is still mix " ..featuring the sounds of tennis balls and closing doors and stuff ...woohoo get in there ,,narce one !!! lol ,,,dont stop me now im having a ball !!!
06/02/14 12:07:13AM @elektronz:
im guessing we use the genre sstm 2014 ..?
06/01/14 04:17:34PM @elektronz:
finsihed my tune lol ...dam that wa too quick ,,,but its done ,,maybe i could do another one ,,,maybe lol
06/01/14 12:49:40PM @elektronz:
started on my tune :)
Farrell Jackson
05/25/14 12:31:16PM @farrell-jackson:
Voice In The Distance is a good title choice! Unfortunately I'm not going to make this because the entire month of June is spoken for already so that really limits my songwriting/recording time....unless someone wants to collaborate? I could squeeze in time for the lyric and vocals.


05/24/14 01:23:36AM @gene-smith:
I think I may be in
05/23/14 10:10:53PM @elektronz:
sweet im having some of this title opens up some pretty cool possibilities ,,,good luck folks :) oh and most importantly ....have fun :)


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