
Indie Audio Mastering

user image 2014-08-02
By: Admin
Posted in: iam

Team - I wanted to share this with everyone. Rob has been with Mixposure for several years and has not only been a friend but I also consider his music to be some of the best Indie Music I have heard. You can find his music here on Mixposure under Visual Cliff and Trinity Music.

The music above has some samples in multiple genres for you to do a comparison on. Trust me, his music sounds amazing. If you are looking for some mastering, I would look no further.



Over the last 10-15 years I have developed a proprietary process that achieves the same quality results as the major mastering houses but at Indie friendly rates.  As an independent artist myself, I chose to rebel against the staggering costs of high priced mastering and that's why I started INDIE AUDIO MASTERING.

I will treat your music as if it were my own.  I never over-book myself and each daily session is spent on only one client. 

Due to the nature of my proprietary set up no studio pics are provided but my gear includes in and out of the box tools that include outboard pro converters (Lavry/RME) and clocking, analog compression (Shadow Hills), proprietary harmonic balancing and EQ'ing tools (Manley) along with high end software as well as a three stage playback ref system [Critical > Commercial > Consumer] providing you with a great sounding master.   My main reference monitors are hand made, point to point that exceed what most mastering studios use.  Best advice I can give > "Pick your mastering engineer with your ears and not your eyes". 

My mastering has been A/B'd against some of the best Nashville and New York heavy weights in the biz and more
often than not selected as the better master or at a minimum just as good.  These are the $150 to $200 per song or $1,000
to $1,200 per album mastering houses that cater to major label artists and that's fine, but I pride myself in bringing this same level of quality to independent artists because I am one myself.
My best piece of gear though are my ears!   You can have all the gear in the world but without a good pair of ears and knowledge of how to correctly apply selective compression, root bass note elimination, frequency analysis, 2nd & 3rd order harmonic manipulation, stereo field treatment or finding those frequencies for an instrument within a final mix for enhancement or attenuation...all you're really getting is someone that will take what you've done and simply make it louder without really understanding what they're doing.   Stay away from $15-$20 per song mastering...that's not mastering.  That's a preset.

Let me show you what I can do.  You won't be sorry!

Rob Perez




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