
Big Thanks and Congrats

user image 2016-06-25
By: Admin
Posted in: News

Just wanted to say thanks to Eric at Raven West Guitars  for letting us giveaway this beautiful guitar tonight! Our DJ's Maurice, Jim and Brenda (Angeleyes)  had a lot of fun while giving this one away. So who was our winner? None other than Rusty James from Trinity Venom . Hope you enjoy this fine instrument Rusty! We want pictures when you get it!

Thanks again Eric! Please check out the guitars at Raven West Here !


07/06/16 11:13:53PM @erne:
Just gotta rub it in aintcha. Coooool for you.
07/04/16 02:55:30PM @josephrodz:
Congrats hope I win 1 too soon,LOL!
06/29/16 07:16:28PM @the-truevulgarians:
That was an outstanding show and really appreciate RavenWestGuitar for donating that beautiful instrument for the contest. I think that thing is unique and a real beauty.
Farrell Jackson
06/27/16 01:43:06PM @farrell-jackson:
Congrats on the guitar win Rusty! I took a look at the Raven Guitar line and they are some nice looking guitars! I look forward to hearing yours in action.


06/26/16 09:31:44AM @cooter:
Eric is a mighty fine human. It was great seeing him in chat last night. Your kindness is noticed and appreciated, Eric. That was a packed house. And congrats on winning that beautiful guitar, Rusty.


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