
RavenWest Strikes Again

user image 2016-08-07
By: Admin
Posted in: News
RavenWest Strikes Again

RavenWest has once again honored us with a new guitar to giveaway! The contest will be on 9/10 and we added a few rules to this contest.

1. Previous winners are not eligible (this means you Rusty!)

2. Must be an active Mixposure Member for at least 1 week. In other words, do not show up from a Facebook post for 2 minutes and get a free guitar. 

3. You must have a minimum of 10 song reviews .

4. Must be present to win. We will give it away during one of our radio shows so you must be in chat.

5. We will have a winner and a runner up, much like the beauty pageants. If the winner is Rusty or someone who does not meet the rules qualifications, the runner up wins. The runner up will be the person in chat who responds after the winner. It wil make more sense when we explain this. 

More information will be coming. Oh and here is the guitar :). View all images here .


08/09/16 02:09:40PM @josephrodz:
The only thing I won here was a T-shirt and a cd from Piyali, so the day of the contest sure I going to a gig, Buhuu!
08/09/16 07:20:42AM @admin:
Jim I think you and I should time share it. You take it from July-Dec and I will go from Jan-Jun.
08/08/16 08:53:27AM @the-truevulgarians:
I was thinking Rusty, that if you just gave that green beauty you previously won to me, they'd restore your eligibility for the next contest... always trying to help a pal! lol


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