Barefoot Music Group
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@Lady Dove, 10/19/18 05:49:27AM
Thank you for listening to "Losin' My Mind" and the lovely comments. I am honored you will be adding this song to your Blues playlist.
Thank you for listening to "Losin' My Mind" and the lovely comments. I am honored you will be adding this song to your Blues playlist.
@mystirP, 11/26/16 07:58:14PM
Thanks for the kind word and am glad you enjoyed the Anticipation. It was a blast to put together. I was dancing all about my room while making it.
Mr. P
Thanks for the kind word and am glad you enjoyed the Anticipation. It was a blast to put together. I was dancing all about my room while making it.
Mr. P
@Mark Neuhart, 12/13/15 07:13:28PM
Hello, and thanks for the music! ~ Mark
The Mark Neuhart Show
Hello, and thanks for the music! ~ Mark

The Mark Neuhart Show
@Alison Reynolds, 04/14/15 10:06:13AM
Really love your versatility! Excellent playing. . great vocals!
Really love your versatility! Excellent playing. . great vocals!
@N. Parker, 10/02/14 03:13:30PM
Hi Barefoot. Just listened to your songs and want to compliment your skills. I'd give my right arm to play like (wait then I couldn't play anymore). I wanted to let you know I haven't been so moved by an instrumental piece in a very long time and I'm referring to 'The Road From Doniford'. Sweet acoustics, haunting melody, and your slides and perfect note bending make this one shine.
Hi Barefoot. Just listened to your songs and want to compliment your skills. I'd give my right arm to play like (wait then I couldn't play anymore). I wanted to let you know I haven't been so moved by an instrumental piece in a very long time and I'm referring to 'The Road From Doniford'. Sweet acoustics, haunting melody, and your slides and perfect note bending make this one shine.