
Billy's Voice ft. Joseph Rodriguez  by The TrueVulgarians

Here's our latest song in collaboration with Joseph Rodriguez, Billy's Voice .  Music and lyrics by Bill Thompson who sang lead vocal and played acoustic guitar.  Jacki Grapentine on back-up vocals.  Joseph Rodriguez played lead guitar and did all the production work.  Hope you guys enjoy it!

Nice To Be Back

By selftort, 2016-07-07
Nice To Be Back

It's nice to be back to Mixposure. It's been a while since I've been particularly active. I have in recent years been involved in working with David Pendragon who is a producer who was heavily involved in the early years of this site. That plus attempting to run a legal practice makes it difficult to spend as much time as I would like here. 

For those who might remember me from the earlier days, I am now recording as "Brian Ralston's Self Tort" rather than "Self Tort" - a significant reason for that was that the most recent recordings have been more "singer/songwriter" than "band" and, perhaps more importantly, my most recent (and hopefully future) recordings use real people playing real instruments.

In 2013 I put together a band to be part of our ABC's "Exhumed" competition and as I mentioned in my penultimate blog we won the Sydney final of that competition. I will be posting in coming days some videos of that night which was one heck of a blast. Sadly the geographics involved with the members of that band did not allow it to become an ongoing thing. 

However, in February, 2015 I happened to be playing a solo spot at a gig in Sydney, and after my set I was approached by someone I knew from my past dealings of mixposure, but whom I had not previously met in person. That was Robert Smith or "Robbo" as he's known in here. Rob's sons were playing in a band at the same gig after my set and we talked about getting together. In November 2015 Rob was part of a band that was put together for the launch of my most recent CD "Stripped Bare". We have also played a few times together as a duo and keep talking about putting together a funk band (Rob's call) and a Joe Cocker Tribute Band (my call).

Anyway, I will be posting some tracks of my most recent recordings including the EP "Oldest Roadies On The Earth" and "Stripped Bare". There will be some downloads, but having spent a lot of time and money in getting them together I won't be giving away the whole box and dice for free. Oldest Roadies is already up at iTunes, Amazon etc and Stripped Bare should be up there in the not too distant future. The recordings will include tracks co-written with well known mixposure people such as Melsi, Carol Douglas and Lex Zaleta. 

Thanks for allowing me to come back after such an absence.

Cheers to you all

How cool is this?

By Admin, 2016-07-05

I can't think of one guitarist that has not dreamed of this!!

Posted in: News | 9 comments

Big Thanks and Congrats

By Admin, 2016-06-25

Just wanted to say thanks to Eric at Raven West Guitars  for letting us giveaway this beautiful guitar tonight! Our DJ's Maurice, Jim and Brenda (Angeleyes)  had a lot of fun while giving this one away. So who was our winner? None other than Rusty James from Trinity Venom . Hope you enjoy this fine instrument Rusty! We want pictures when you get it!

Thanks again Eric! Please check out the guitars at Raven West Here !


Posted in: News | 25 comments
Availability of new Temporal Chaos NOW!

Our suggestion for our British, EU and fans everywhere is this: as you ponder the upcoming BREXIT vote on Jun 23 why not revel in the sound of our brand spanking new album? This is the first outlet to sell it (digital only, CDs are still in transit).

Available here first!!


Posted in: Annoucement | 3 comments


By airmeki44, 2016-06-17

Mixposure Family!

After another unplanned, lengthy hiatus, BLUE SAHARA is back with yet another new song!

Please sit back and enjoy our new single!


Posted in: default | 2 comments

Swan Song ft. Joseph Rodriguez

By truevulgarian, 2016-06-16
Swan Song ft. Joseph Rodriguez

Here's a new collaboration by the TrueVulgarians ft. Joseph Rodriguez.  Words and music by Bill Thompson who sang lead vocal and played acoustic guitar, back-up vocals by Jacki Grapentine, all added music, arrangement and production by Joseph Rodriguez.  A ballady song of lost love...  Hope you enjoy it!

Z Best

By zefuldar, 2016-06-12
Z Best

I just released a "Best Of" album that you can download  here .

It includes songs from many of my different bands. It's 22 tracks and about 2 hours of music!



By Admin, 2016-06-11

As many of you know, MixRadio has been going through some software ups and downs. This was primarily dj software that was not always cooperating. We started looking at using Spacial Audio again and we decided to give that a shot. Gene spent many hours working on it and tweaking things as did Jim. We still ran into issues! Their software was kicking out the dj's every three songs or so. I have been working with the Gene, Jim and Maurice and obviously Spacial in order to get resolution to the issue. They sent us a beta copy of the new software and our team also found some things we changed on our side. Maurice ran a show last night with no issues so maybe we resolved the issue. 

I wanted to thank everyone for their patience while we worked through these issues. As we run some additional shows, we will know for sure where we stand but right now it is looking good. 

A huge thanks to Gene, Jim and Maurice for countless hours of doing, "maybe if we try this" many many times.


Posted in: News | 5 comments

Scotswolfe - Jim McMurtrey

By truevulgarian, 2016-06-01

Just wanted to let you know that our good friend Scotswolfe, otherwise known as Scotswolfe, an incredible musician and wonderful man, is battling extreme illness and has been hospitalized for the past several weeks.  Many have inquired about sending him various forms of get well greetings.  Both "The TrueVulgarians" and "ErnE" are accepting private messages here on Mixposure at our artist pages from those who wish to send Jim cards or letters of encouragement as he continues his fight for recovery.  We have been authorized to provide you with his home address and will be happy to accommodate you.  Consistent with the family's wishes we didn't want to just put out Jim's personal contact information for public consumption and bellieve this is the best way to make it available.  Get Well Scotswolfe and may you have many, many more wonderful compositions in your days to come!


The TrueVulgarians


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