
i wont conform

By elektronz, 2015-02-06

yup thats right ,,,i wont and will not conform to what people expect of a track basically it wont be a 3 min ,verse ,chorus ,,blah,blah,thing ,,,if i want the sound of a dripping tap as my percussion then its in ,,,if i think a tune needs to be 4 days 2 hours 32 minutes and 4 seconds long ,,,then by god and all his appropriates it will be ,,,its not that i cant do the generic formulaic montage ...i just choose not to ,,,im aware that my approach will put people off ,,,but if we all fell into the safe haven that is commerciallity then wouldlnt the music world be a bland place to co-exist in ,,oh hang on the commercial music world is a bland place to be in hence bright light in the the dark cavenous outreaches of musical space that is mixposure :) ...god what a plug !!!  :D  anyways ,,im gonna continue to produce 10 minute epic stuff full of epicness and if you dont like my stuff ,you can all sod off :D  ,,,have a nice one !!!   lol

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It's not laziness. It's business.

By Rich Lodato, 2015-01-31

Ya know, I know I could be more actve but I try to stay intuned. The site is so huge, thank goodness!!!. It seems overwhelming. But in reality, it really isn't. Just the opposite in fact. I love all the talent and sometimes I listen without commenting. I'm hoping the same is done with my music, but not all the time.. I love feedback! I just want to let everyone know, it's okay to just listen. Just every now and then. leave a note. You know you like it. So do I. So I do it when the mood strikes. I have a couple of other sites that I'm involved with. One of which demands my attention, But I feel this site is doing well and that makes me feel so good and less guilty when I'm knee deep somewhere else. I love Mixposure and you have let me know I'm appreciated and then some... More reason to please you. It's the way I want to be treated. We'll all be so much more inclined to take part without fear of rejection when we get feedback. You get what you give. So give. Even if it's one comment a week. It adds up and makes my day when I get a thumbs up or needed help. it will make your day too.

new four track ep

By elektronz, 2015-01-31
new four track ep

just uploaded a new four track ep called a new day :) the tracks should be listened to in order of the episode finishing off with track 4 which is the only one with a title ,it being the new day ...tracks 1 - 3 are the build up to the calming tune that is track 4 ...this album was written with my state of mind captured in each episode hence track 4 ,anew day is basically me returning to some form of normality in my everyday goings about ...hope you like :)

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Musical Inspiration and Joy.. a Personal Experience



Musical Inspiration and Joy. . A personal Experience

By David c Deal

In about 2005 the band I had been in, called “One of These Daze”, ended in that painful way such bands often do. I suddenly found myself without musical direction and found myself brainstorming for direction with two musician friends, Tim and Andy. Suddenly inspiration hit, “I’ll make a cd which reflects all of the spiritual experiences I have had in my life. No religion, just pure experiences.”

At that moment a four year journey began which consumed my non working hours. Often I have taken part in long discussions about where artistic and in particular musical inspiration germinates. I mostly rely on the explanation provided by Victor Wooten in his marvelous book, “The Music Lesson”. He labels the source of creative musical energy as “Music” with a capital M, treating Music as an active, conscious spirit behind all true musical expression. As I look back at that era between 2005 and 2009 I can now perceive how I was indeed the fortunate recipient of “Music’s” energy, direction, motivation and blessed possession.

 During those years, one by one, I was provided with the musical seeds of what became the various songs on the CD Transformations. My constant effort in writing these songs, practicing them, learning how to record at a new home studio was not experienced as effort but as intense, concentrated joy. When working on a song I would think, “Tom’s guitar style would be great on this, or Cynthia’s voice would sound great on this” and one by one musicians of the finest quality would record their inspirations at my asking. Never did a single musician refuse a request to add to any of the songs on the CD and not once did any of their contributions not fit beautifully. Fourteen different musicians participated. A young artist/musician friend volunteered to design the CD cover which I swear is truly a work of art. A local musician/studio owner recorded three of the songs at no charge and mentored my efforts to learn how to record in my newly created home studio.  Now that I look back I am aware how “Music” was actively shaping not just me but all of these other musicians and artists.

I followed publication of the CD by earnestly learning about record labels, publicity, internet publication, ASCH, copyright laws, “song shoppers” and discovered that marketing a CD is not nearly as enjoyable as creating such a project.

I am now aware that “Music” has withdrawn a large percentage of the inspiration which flowed through my being during those years. She still periodically uses my limited talents in writing, performing, collaborative creation and/or in the production of individual songs and when she does I feel my musically driven soul again burst into focused light. I am blessed and extremely grateful for her inspiration both in the past and the present. In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude at being a “conduit” along with so many old and new friends; for being a shared recipient of Music’s inspirational energy.

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Short-term Fantasy by The TrueVulgarians

By truevulgarian, 2015-01-24
Short-term Fantasy by The TrueVulgarians

Pleased to announce the release of our latest song, "Short-term Fantasy", a real life story about two people meeting in a bar from our album, "A Reason to Walk in the Rain".  Hope all of you enjoy it.  Music, lyrics, performance and production by Bill Thompson  Check it out on our artist page. 

New Song

By Sam Houston, 2015-01-20

I uploaded a new song called "Cry In The Night". Please give it a listen if you get a chance.

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

The Award Polls are now open! Keep in mind that we will no longer allows entries after March 28th. We will then keep the poll open for another week so you can listen to all entries!!

Mixposure 2014 Songwriting Music Award Poll

Mixposure 2014 Rock Music Award Poll

Mixposure 2014 Country Music Award Poll

Mixposure 2014 Blues Music Award Poll

Posted in: News | 3 comments

Don't Look at Me That Way

By truevulgarian, 2015-01-11
Don't Look at Me That Way

The TrueVulgarians are pleased to announce the release of our newest song, "Don't Look at Me That Way", music, lyrics, performance and production by Bill Thompson.  Hope everyone enjoys it!

Mixposure 2014 Music Awards

By Admin, 2015-01-11

Welcome to the  2014 Music Awards. There will be 4 categories this year. These are Best Country Song, Best Rock Song, Best Blues Song and Best Songwriter of 2014. 

The songwriting competition is open to all indie artists as well as working artists who want to be heard, recognized, and rewarded for their songwriting talent.  There will be one award issued for this category and all genres of music are accepted.

Please post any questions you have!

The Rules:

1. You must be a member of  to enter or vote

2. One song per genre per artist. Let's avoid crossovers everyone. If it is close to multiple genres, pick one genre only. 

3. Voting is by registered Mixposure Members. One vote per person per genre. We have it locked down by ip/user. (more on this coming soon!)

4. Anyone found cheating will have all songs entered removed. (this is for fun people, if you need to cheat, something is seriously wrong with you!) 

5. All songs must be from 2014. Please do not submit tunes from a few years back. We want to recognize songs from the prior year only.

6. No covers!!!

7. The winners will receive a Trophy and will be featured on as well as Social Media sites

8. All songs will be played by the  DJ's on their shows (genre conditional on some shows)

9. The contest starts January 17th and will end on March 28th, 2015

10. Voting information wil be posted soon

11. Mixposure reserves the right to modify the rules at any given time with or without notification.  

How To Enter:

Entering the contest is very easy. Just upload your song as you normally would. Please use a Genre as follows:







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