

By Admin, 2013-08-13


Posted in: MixRadio | 0 comments


By Sam Houston, 2013-08-13

I went ahead and uploaded "Butt Buzzin'". For those of you who failed, or refused, to come to Jim's show last night let me just say that YOU SUCK. And if you had been there you'd know what this song is about because Jim played it and I talked about it on air. But since you didn't....
I have MS (multiple schlerosis). It sucks but then so do a lot of things in life. We have a friend that also has MS. She recently developed this bizarre symptom where her butt would just vibrate or buzz. I admit it's a weird symptom but a symptom regardless. But if we can't laugh at ourselves then that makes us hypocrites. So, I wrote this stupid little song about her butt buzzing. And, it IS a stupid song. But take it in the spirit in which it was written, which is that we ALL have something and we ALL have issues. But we have to be able to laugh at ourselves and to do the best we can.

Posted in: Music | 2 comments


By Sam Houston, 2013-08-13

I created a new album called "Cover Songs". I have also began uploading a couple of songs to it and also moved a song to it. Some recordings are ok, others aren't as ok. But, considering some the recordings are from 30 years ago....maybe they aren't so bad after all. My band back then was called Rebel Express, so if you see that name, that's what it is. But I'm also going to start recording some of my favorite covers and upload to this album. I haven't decided if it's just going to be acoustic or try to incorporate all the gadgets. But I'm thinking probably just acoustic.

Some of these cover songs are fairly close to the original. But most are MY interpretation of the song. So those are not intended to reflect the way the original artist recorded it. But I think that's how it should be. Everybody tries to emulate the original, but why? That "version" has already been done. Why duplicate it? Do something else. Be original. So that's what this album is.

Posted in: Music | 0 comments

New Song....revisited

By Sam Houston, 2013-08-12

Since the dust is starting to settle, I thought it might be a good idea to repost this.

I've uploaded a new song called "Walkin' On Quicksand". Please check it out if you get a chance.

See here

Posted in: Mixposure | 0 comments

Hell Rocky On The Air At 8 p.m. EST!!!!

By Mix Radio DJ Corner, 2013-08-11


Posted in: MixRadio | 0 comments


By Admin, 2013-08-08

Hey Everyone! Slowly we are getting everything added back in. The goal of this new layout was due to a lot of feedback we had that the site was too complicated to navigate. I was not seeing that but when you work in it everyday it flows lol. With the changes coming from your page, I find it a lot easier to use then the old control panel. 

It is my hope to add new audio players in the not so distant future. We will also have Facebook embed available as soon as possible. We will also try and add a lot of missing features from the old site,

We are now on a new server that is obviously an upgrade over what we had previously. The down time we experienced was due to seven years of data on our servers that we had to transfer to the new server. Our apologies for the delay. Originally I had hoped for 12 hours allowing me ample time to do some tweaks before we opened it back up. After being down as long as we were. I just wanted to be back online. So you guys are experiencing the worst part of code release. Bugs in the live environment. We will get them resolved :)

Thanks again for hanging in there, 




Posted in: News | 66 comments

Music Player

By Sam Houston, 2013-08-07

Just FYI....

I don't know if these are related but given the issues with the radio last night they might be. But this morning I can't play any of my songs. I click "Play" but it just sits there and nothing happens.

Posted in: Mixposure | 4 comments

The Mixposure Experience!

By truevulgarian, 2013-08-07

Taking a minute to exholt the virtues of this independent music site.  This remains a place where individual creativity is both recognized and fostered by both it's artists and management.  Truly a haven of music for music's sake, promoting independent material without the filtration and sanitization evidently required by the lowest common denominator of the commerical market.  Our listeners are hearing unbridled music, straight from the hearts and souls of the artists featured here.  Most of the artists found here create music because they are personally driven to do so, without expectation of commercial success, a pure product of their creative nature and freedom of expression.  So, if you're looking for straight-laced, run-of-the-mill, sound-alike tunes designed to sell, but not much else, than this probably isn't the place for you.  There are plenty of top-40 radio stations from which to choose.  If, on the other hand, you're looking for a place where the music is limited only by the imagination and talent of it's creators, Mixposure is the place for you!  The newly rolled out site changes just makes it that much better! Art for art's sake!

Posted in: Thankful... | 6 comments

New Mixposure

By Admin, 2013-08-05

Welcome to Mixposure everyone! Please enjoy the great music here!

Posted in: Welcome | 0 comments

New Mixposure

By Admin, 2013-08-05

Hey Everyone!

There is still a lot of dust around here but it will all get swept up. The move took a lot of time and rather than be down any longer while I tweaked what was here, I decided to just open it up. We still need to add a lot of stuff that was on the old site but we will get there. By the way, to add comments to a blog the link is now at the top of the blog vs the bottom!

Thanks for your patience!



Posted in: News | 19 comments
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