
Lady In The Mirror

By Farrell Jackson, 2015-05-28
Lady In The Mirror

I had recorded this as a mono acoustic/vocal scratch track to save the idea and to help generate some production thoughts. I liked the first take so I decided to stay with my original mono acoustic/vocal track and just use it as the base to build the song around. I wrote this for the proposed "anything haunted" Mixposure song contest but that seems to have dissipated like a ghostly apparition so I'm posting it up now. I hope you like it!


I had recorded this as a mono acoustic/vocal scratch track to save the idea and to help generate some production thoughts. I liked the first take so I decided to stay with my original mono acoustic/vocal track and just use it as the base to build the song around. - See more at:
I had recorded this as a mono acoustic/vocal scratch track to save the idea and to help generate some production thoughts. I liked the first take so I decided to stay with my original mono acoustic/vocal track and just use it as the base to build the song around. - See more at:


By Axe1, 2015-05-24

I would like to offer my heart felt THANK YOU to whom ever is responsible for my selction as "Artist of the Month" for May.. I'm stunned... Really!


I'd also like to offer my sincerst apology if they got fired for it... :)

Posted in: default | 3 comments

hooyoosay: the wrong kind of people?

By hooyoosay, 2015-05-17
hooyoosay: the wrong kind of people?

hooyoosay have a new EP, " The Wrong Kind Of People ", delivering four upbeat and essentially poppy tracks, influences however ranging from rock to country.
The overall vibe is feelgood and fun, the word "wrong" merely being ironic, for the message simply is that nothing is wrong, but on the contrary all is absolutely fine.
The title track is the main song, cheerful and happy, abundant with male and female lead vocals and harmonies.
It is followed by " Illusionist at work ", a relaxed instrumental, and then further by what could be seen as a couple of bonus tracks. The one is " The wrong kind of hello " and takes an even more humorous approach to the title track in the form of comedy-rock, the other is " The right kind of friend ", being the second instrumental.

Alex Faulkner reviewed and concluded:
"Overall, this is an excellent E.P. that is joyously free of all commercial considerations and rammed full of musical imagination. If you are bored with the predictable pop of the mainstream, hooyoosay are here to save the day and show you that music is so much more interesting when you veer off the beaten track. Long may they continue."


Posted in: Music | 1 comments

New Collaboration/ Featuring Saturated

By Lyrical Princess, 2015-05-11
New Collaboration/ Featuring Saturated

Saturated and I are pleased to announce the completion of our New song collaboration, "When Karma Catches You".

We hope that you will take a few moments of your time to listen. Feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. 

Thank you,

Lyrical Princess

New Song - I've Been Down That Road

By Sam Houston, 2015-05-04

Uploaded a new song called "I've Been Down That Road". Please give it a listen if you get a chance.

Posted in: Music | 0 comments
horror themed ep ..the big sleep finished

after the doing my first interview on the mix which was awesome ,,i decided to write the last track for the big sleep ,,a horror themed ep ...the last track took me about about 4 and a half hours from ideas to final mix ...which is pretty quick even for me lol enjoy the 4 tracks and i hope to do another ep very soon :)

Posted in: default | 3 comments

New Collaboration Featuring "Brian Brooks & Mach"

By Lyrical Princess, 2015-04-27
New Collaboration Featuring "Brian Brooks & Mach"

                                                           Heart of Stone

                                                 Featuring Brian Brooks & Mach

We are all very proud to announce our New song "Heart of Stone". As many of you already know, Brian Brooks & Mach are very well known for their profound musicianship. The music was Brilliantly written to accomodate my lyrics. Between Brians extraordinary vocals and Machs' astounding playing, this song is (IMO) , a remarkable success :)

With that being said, we would all appreciate it so much if you would take a few moments of your day or night, to listen and let us know what you think ...

We hope you'll enjoy.

All The Best,

LP, Brian & Mach

Price slashes on everything on the site!!! Check the website and click on "Prices" .

Next Site Song

By Admin, 2015-04-19

We are due for a new Mixposure Site Song. I am thinking a Same Song Title Madness. What do you guys think? 

Posted in: News | 28 comments

New song.... The Hill

By Sam Houston, 2015-04-15

I uploaded a new song called "The Hill".

I grew up on a high hill. The wind always blew up there and I could see for miles. But, I was also adopted. My "mom" (adopted mom) has always been fairly psychotic. So when I was about 9 or 10 she took me in the bedroom and sat me on the bed and said "I just wanted to let you know that you're adopted". I said "WHAT? Well who are they?". She said "well we don't know". I said "well where are they?". She said "We don't know". I said "Do I have any brothers or sisters?". She said "We don't know". Well this really screwed me up. I completely lost any identity I might have had before she told me that. forward to when I'm about 29. I was visiting mom and dad one weekend. Just out of the blue and as nonchalant as she could ever be like it was no big deal mom said "oh by the way, I thought I'd tell you before you hear it from somebody else.... but your biological mother died 3 days ago." Well of course I came completely unglued and went off on her big time. Then she added "oh, and also, there's pictures and letters and phone numbers and stuff in there in the extra bedroom if you want them". And then I REALLY went off. And, then I find out that I have 4 half brothers and 2 half sisters. And all them and bio mom lived just 15 miles away all that time and had "kept up" with me all the while I was growing up.

The above isn't the entire story by any means but maybe this overview may give some indication of the hurt and betrayal I've lived with because of how it all happened. But my song "The Hill" is me talking to whoever (anybody and everybody) that was involved and/or responsible for the adoption. It was all done completely wrong from the start.

I wrote and recorded it last night. I only used a single acoustic guitar and my vocals are un-miced. For this song I like it this way because it's raw and real.

Please give it a listen if you get the chance.

Posted in: Music | 1 comments
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