Thank you so so very much my friends :)
I am so very grateful and humble that I was named Artist of the Month. Thank you Toni for telling me on your show it was such a big surprise. I am just dumbfounded. I want to thank those that chose me, I am just lost for words right now. If I can touch one person with one song my job is done and I'm happy. Again thank you...you have really touched me. Can't wait to tell Karen and my son's Chris and Mike.
Congratulation Buddy, Great JOB And Great Music. Your Rock Bro. JDB !!
Congrats K.M. on your A.O.T.M. Achievement, Keep doing great music!!!
Yee-Ha!! Congratulations!
Thank you all. I love music, I love playing guitar and writing music, and I love Mixposure and all the artist here. Again Thank you all.
More than well deserved...congrats Kit...keep on doing what you do so well.
It is so deserved Kit.
Thank you for YOUR continued support of everyone here at Mix, and thank you for all the music that you bring to our hearts via our ears. You know I am a fan for life.
Congrats Mr. Kit...
Congrats......Bro ! Well done...
Congrats on being selected as Mixposure's Artist Of The Month Kit!
With all my love thank you so very much...
You are a fixture here. You have been an asset to all of us.