Gabriel Sabadi
Gabriel Sabadi
Gabriel Sabadi

La Vuelta

user image 2008-09-12
By: Gabriel
Posted in:

Well the last piece for the LISTEN project is finally done. This willbe the last song on the CD and is more of an outro than an actual song.<br /><br />The listen Project was a joy to do and a journey I will never forget and forever cherish. Working with KED was simply an amazing experience for me. A professional to the truest sense.<br /><br />Well now it's time to fine tweek the mixes, get them through the master process and then off into the marketing world.<br /><br />Many thanks for those of you that have followed us through this incredible journey of the mind and for all your kind comments !!!<br /><br />Gabriel

09/15/08 09:17:29AM @blue-sahara:
Wonderful, guys! Your partnership shines in all of your LISTEN projects! Congratulations to both of you for this huge achievement.
When will the CD be available? I'll definitely acquire one, for sure! :-)

09/14/08 02:35:53AM @tlt50:
A very fitting outro,to a magnifico collab. !!! Outstanding work by incredible musical minds..... All the best !


09/14/08 01:40:35AM @ab1:
gabe and ked.. congratulations brothers.. that's wonderful news.. and that will be a dynamite CD no doubt.. cheers!
09/14/08 03:33:10AM @ab2:
Congrats to you :-) I hope it`s a great success..:-)

Peace n love Mags :-)


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