By: Gabriel
Posted in:
Well friends, it's time for me to take a lil break from the keyboards for a bit. I've been neglecting my guitar and bass work for far too long. It's time for me to get my chops back in gear and continue exploring new territorys.
...the best ride is one with no destination Gabe.(IMO) kool to hear of your intentions and musical creations. chop chop! lol....
Gabe..... never seems to be enough time in the day......
Larry T.
Thanks for the support guys. Last time I played any guitar was Into The Chasm with the LISTEN project. Man...seems like years ago now. Well time to set up my 2 rigs, this could be an all day project ...
man gabe you got it made.. all those instruments to give your music that human quality.. I think playing instuments is going to come back.. the feeling.. nothing like it.. almost as good as sex.. see ya soon with your new toons..