Gary Shukoski
Gary Shukoski
Gary Shukoski

Epic (preview-work in progress)

album: EP
genre: Instrumental Guitar
streams: 136
creation date: 2017-11-14

  Song Information
     This is a song I was pretty vigorously working out arrangements for towards the end of 2017 when two important events happened to postpone my efforts:...
Epic (preview-work in progress)
03/19/23 09:56:41AM @wricky:
Hey Gary ,way to go man, a fine thing to hear 🎸reeling in the cheers😆
06/07/20 11:44:27AM @bad-love-junkie:
Hi Gary. Beautiful intro and guitar work. I see this is a work in progress from a few years back. The song takes on a new direction... More intense which surprised me but I am feeling it. What started as a more laid back melancholy type vibe now has an uplifting feel to it. I enjoyed the ride :) Again my complements on all of your guitar work

01/14/20 01:12:19PM @ron-dadey:
Awesome Gary.... I am lovin' it so far..... I am looking forward to what you end up with!! It is great to see ya back in the saddle again ;-D
Gary Shukoski
01/12/20 07:05:17AM @gary-shukoski:
Thank you guys. I am resuming work on this track already. I just now reposted the entire 2017 version that I had so far before my computer broke. I will be updating it as I get back going on it in the coming months!
sly puppy
04/24/18 11:10:31AM @emocion:
Just a small section that showcases your dramatic guitar style have to say it’s pretty impressive playing.
Piano breakdown very pretty with some depth to the structure when the bass comes into play the atmosphere elevates nicely...

As a glimpse this promises a lot Gary it leaves asking the question did you complete this or is it still in the burner ?

11/14/17 08:20:43PM @ron-dadey:
Atta boy!!! let's get some more rock on here.... awesome so far... can't wait to hear the rest


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