Harry V singer songwriter
Harry V singer songwriter
Harry V singer songwriter

Commented on: A Room with a View

07/01/18 01:43:45PM @harry-v-singer-songwriter:
Hi Brian, I so much love this song. Lost you for a while, doctor explained "chemo brain" is not just a word, it really happens that for a while lots of names and other details are a blank in your mind. Nevertheless, I had this song in my head, it would not go away. In the hospital they gave me a room with a view, that was very helpful, I kept posting little "updates from A Room With A View".. Shortly, 2 days ago, I recorded this, it's just a rough note, made a little movie for my daughter. I started to write this in that room now a bit more than 2 years ago and day before yesterday I was able to sing it in one take. Thanks for being there in your song, in my heart, all this time. Love you and I so love this song. So this is like an answer to that. Enjoy!
For Sharon who was never far away and the Crew of Mikme who helped me to stay.